Lent: The Road Marked With Suffering

Each year for the season of Lent, we add additional mid-week worship services.  The services begin Wednesday, Feb. 14 on Ash Wednesday and continue until Easter.  A meal is served prior to the services 5:15-6:15, and the services are a short 30 minute reflection 6:30-7pm.  On Ash Wednesday we will receive the traditional mark of ash upon the forehead in the service.

The children’s program, All Stars For Jesus, continues through the season. Families can come and enjoy a meal together before sending their children to All Stars and attending the service. Both All Stars and the service will conclude at the same time.

“Marked with Suffering” – Jesus last words on the cross are our focus this season of Lent. Come, join us for a short reflective service of worship and a message.

The week of Maundy Thursday (March 29), the service will be on Thursday rather than Wednesday.

Open Hands Food Pantry Needs You

Our Open Hands Food Pantry is a great way to help others in need in our community. Can you help to fill bags? Help is needed Mondays, 4:45-5:15pm, Wednesdays & Fridays 9:45am-1:15pm. No experience is necessary; sign up outside the door to the pantry (located down the left side hallway). Questions? Call Darlene, 223-5652 or Karen, 360-5410.

In 2017, 3,111 families visited the food pantry. This includes 4,668 kids, 4,657 adults, 1,677 Seniors, and a grand total of 11,002 people! Praise God for the caring volunteers who make this possible!

Children & Family Ministry – Welcome Kyle!

Kyle French, his wife Alisse, and their daughter Hadley will be coming in February. Kyle will begin his role as Director of Family and Children’s Ministries. He will be responsible for the oversight of ministry to families with children, birth through 5th grade. His primary roles will be to encourage and empower parents in their call to disciple their children and to equip others to intentionally focus on developing children into life-long followers of Jesus. (Make disciples who make disciples in the everyday stuff of life. ~Matthew 28:18-20).

Picture Kyle’s role as more of a school principle rather than a classroom teacher. He will give oversight, encouragement, and training to help families carry out the vital role of shaping the faith of their children. His top priority will be equipping parents and other adults to be disciple-makers.

Please welcome Kyle, Alisse, and Hadley!

Cedar Hills App

Have you installed the Cedar Hills App yet? It is a connection tool for you!

  • Daily Gospel Reading—Click the Dwelling with Jesus button and read today’s chapter!
  • Give—Click the Give button to make a gift or schedule a recurring gift.
  • Community Builder—Click the CCB button to login to CCB and match a face to a name.
  • Listen to Sermons—Click the Listen to Sermons button to catch up on a sermon you may have missed.
  • Quick Question—Click on the Question Mark. Every Thursday evening, a new Quick Question will be added. This Question will be used in the service on Sunday!
  • Sign up for new classes as they are offered.
  • Order Super Bowl subs.
  • Find links to online registrations for area conferences.
  • Submit pictures and videos of Cedar Hills in action!

The other buttons are always changing. Go to your app store and check it out. Search “Cedar Hills”

Journey – February 2019 Update

In early January, I spent 10 days learning about the culture and ministry on the border of the United States and Mexico. I admit that I went on this trip with a bad attitude. I didn’t want to be away from my family for ten days, I didn’t want to just hear the political banter back and forth and I didn’t know most of the people on my trip. As always, God has a way of showing up and flipping everything upside down. Each day as we spent time in the gospel of Mark, God opened His Word to me personally and as I listened to the group. This soon became one of my favorite times during the trip, as men and women of God were speaking His truth to each other. There is power in dwelling in the word with others!

Two other thoughts that I brought back from this experience were to meet real needs instead of assumed needs, and to be content in all things. My lesson in contentment came on our third night there as we drove down a dark dirt road into a neighborhood with tin homes and no lights. We pulled up to a cinder block home and stepped out of the van into darkness. As we opened the door, the light from a few bulbs and the heat from a wood burning stove met us with warmth, but what was even warmer still were the smiles of the family inviting us into their humble home. This family of four exuded hospitality, contentment, and peace. Something that, if we are honest, is not experienced much in America. Most homes are filled with the stress of busy schedules and things to get done. This family welcomed 12 strangers into their home for a meal and fellowship.

There are so many stories I would love to share, let me know if you would like to hear more and I will try to set up a special presentation. My hope, returning from this trip, is to be more content, be more hospitable, and to know others well enough to be able to meet real needs instead of assumed needs. I welcome anyone interested in joining me on this mission, to sit down and talk.

~ Jeremy Van Genderen
Director of Youth and Young Adults

Identity in Christ

Have you ever had a testimony burning in your heart that you just couldn’t help but share?

I’ve been pondering victory and my identity in Christ a lot lately. I shared a few Sundays ago how for years I would ask God for victory in certain areas of my life and used multiple versions of the same type of prayer for years. “God, help me with this thing!” was the gist of it.

And then it dawned on me that was asking for something that God had already given me! As a follower of Jesus, I have certain rights and blessings already established. I didn’t need to keep asking for them—they are already mine in Jesus! I needed to STAND on them.

So my prayer changed. No longer “God, can I have this thing…” It became “God, I stand on Your Word and declare that I have victory already in Jesus!”. Even when I wasn’t feeling it. That became my prayer. And I continue to pray it until I truly believe it!

When I’m feeling down, I now pray, “I have a glorious hope in Christ Jesus!” whether I feel it or not. When the finances are tight, I praise Jesus for His great provision. Because He has already provided whether I can see it or not.

When I’m tempted, I often will say out loud, “I am victorious in Jesus!” or “I am a victor!” (This is usually me in front of the refrigerator). And yes, I really do say it out loud. Sometimes my kids think I’m nutty. I don’t care. I know who I am! I know my identity! And I won’t let doubt take that from me. I no longer whine before the throne of the Most High God—I commune with Him in all the benefits and joys of being a Beloved Daughter.

Do YOU know who you are in Christ?

~ Leah
Director of Worship & Media

Noah’s Ark Preschool – January 2018 Update

In January we began testing our 4-year-old classes. Testing is presented in a game format on a one-on-one basis with the teacher. Most children really enjoy the time with their teacher. After testing is completed, teachers will send out a final progress report. Then, each family will decide if Alternative Kindergarten or Kindergarten is best for their child. Our 3-year-old classes focused on spatial concepts, shapes, daytime/nighttime, and pockets. The younger classes have come a long way since September!

Noah’s Ark will have another blood drive for the Mississippi Valley at church on March 19. Please donate if you can.

Our 2018-2019 enrollment is underway. If you know someone who wants to register their child, please have them call preschool at 396-3125 or email us at [email protected]. Reminder: any CHCC active member whose child attends Noah’s Ark Preschool will receive 10% off tuition. We feel as a member you already support CHCC financially and Noah’s Ark, as a ministry of this church, wants to support your child’s Christian education.

If your child is attending AK or Kindergarten in the fall, you should be receiving a letter from your child’s school soon. If you have not been contacted, please call the school your child will be attending.

We are amazed with the amount of growth in the children already and feel privileged to be a part of their lives.

In Christ,
Leslie Clauson, Director

Love. Belong. Serve.