All posts by Cedar Hills Community Church

Sunday, May 17 Information

Sunday, May 17, 2020
Watch Live at 11am (music begins at 10:50am)

Video Highlights:

Cedar Hills Kids:



  • Become a Member of Cedar Hills – New eight week class begins June 7. Have you been at Cedar Hills for a while, but are unsure how to connect further? Our new partnership class is your next step. At Cedar Hills, we are the kind of people who share hospitality…  Read more
  • An Update from Pastor Kent – I want to update you on our plans for re-opening in-person worship gatherings and share perspective on the future of our ministry. First, the short update: We hope to meet together soon, but not yet… Read more.
  • 2020 Graduates – Last call! Due Wednesday! Cedar Hills will be recognizing our graduates on May 24th.  Please register to be recognized by filling out this form.
  • The Cedar Hills App
    Download the Cedar Hills app. Use it for mobile giving, submitting prayer requests, the Bible, weather updates, and insider information.  Download now

New Members Class – “You Belong”

Have you been at Cedar Hills for a while, but are unsure how to connect further?

Our new members class “You Belong” is your next step.

At Cedar Hills, we are the kind of people who share hospitality, authenticity, forgiveness, and restoration. There are hundreds of methods for sharing these characteristics, but connection is what allows us to thrive. This class will be your invitation to connect further with others at Cedar Hills.

Our current class is running June 7-July 26 in rooms 134/135.  You may attend in person or via the Zoom app.

Here is the required info to join the Zoom call:

Topic: You Belong Membership
Time: Sundays, 09:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 859 0178 0685
Password: 649832

If you have not registered, please let us know to expect you! REGISTER NOW

Midweek Update 5-13-20

Midweek Update
May 13, 2020

Tonight’s Prayer Meeting:

  • 6:30pm Prayer Meeting – in the Zoom App
    Meeting ID: 759 704 0453
    Password: Cedarhills
  • We’ll pray for our church members, community, country and world during this time of crisis. Stop in for as much or as little time as you are able. Read More

Video Updates:

News Highlights:

  • An Update From Pastor Kent – I want to update you on our plans for re-opening in-person worship gatherings and share perspective on the future of our ministry. First, the short update: We hope to meet together soon, but not yet… Read more.
  • 2020 Graduates – Cedar Hills will be recognizing our graduates on May 24th.  Please register to be recognized by filling out this form.
  • Become a Member of Cedar Hills – New eight week class begins June 7. Have you been at Cedar Hills for a while, but are unsure how to connect further? Our new partnership class is your next step. At Cedar Hills, we are the kind of people who share hospitality…  Read more

An Update From Pastor Kent

An Update from Pastor Kent

May 8, 2020

Dear Cedar Hills Family,

I want to update you on our plans for re-opening in-person worship gatherings and share perspective on the future of our ministry.

First, the short update: We hope to meet together soon, but not yet. When it becomes legal, wise, and safe (not just legal) for us to gather for in-person worship again, we will joyfully do so. Until then, we will continue to gather online instead.

Second, the planning. Last week when Governor Reynolds lifted legal restrictions on religious gatherings in all 99 counties, many people were surprised. The announcement came sooner than expected and placed the decision about reopening with each individual congregation. At that time our consistory and staff began praying, discerning, and planning.

While we don’t want to rush back too soon and put our church family, or the community we love, at risk; we also don’t want to wait too long to get back together again as a church family. When we do re-gather, social distancing and other safety protocols to protect us from unnecessary exposure to COVID-19 will no doubt remain in place. As our plan comes together we will share additional details.

And now, some perspective on our ministry. We are called as a congregation to make disciples who love, belong, and serve. The pandemic does not change our mission. We carry out our mission by offering hospitality, authenticity, forgiveness, and restoration. The pandemic has not changed our values. Mission and values are one thing – strategy is another. The pandemic is challenging our strategy.

Challenging times call for creative solutions. We are blessed with gifted staff and leaders who love the church and long to see us connect more deeply. We see Cedar Hills as a place for belonging and now is a time when people are hungry to reconnect. Consider how God is calling you to connect with others through these opportunities.

  1. We will continue to connect online. This opportunity includes Facebook Live worship, Zoom groups, and individually reaching out with phone calls, texts, and emails.
  2. When it is deemed safe, we will connect in person. Think about who you want to connect with in larger group worship, or in-home worship watch parties, or in small groups. When gathering in-person, always follow the recommendations for six feet of physical space, regular hand washing, and do not gather if you are unwell.
  3. Everyone wants a friend – especially now. We will use this unique time as an opportunity to grow neighborhood connections by boldly loving your neighbors, co-workers, and family members. Reach out in safe ways to love and serve others. You can be a bright spot of hope to someone who might be very discouraged and anxious!

 Imagine how fun and refreshing it will be to connect (six feet apart for now!) with new friends in your church family, in your workplace, and in your neighborhood. Imagine bringing life you help the disconnected feel real belonging. Imagine how good it will feel to endure this season of uncertainty and find our way back to wide-open doors welcoming disciples. Imagine our community transformed! Imagine hope, not fear!!

We are the kind of people who unlock doors for people. The pandemic does not change that even if it invites us to imagine new ways of connection. May God bless us as with strong imaginative powers. “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 29:7

The Lord be with you,
Pastor Kent


P.S. Thanks for your generous support through prayers and financial gifts. You are making a difference as we make disciples who love, belong, and serve together!

Are you graduating? Calling All 2020 Graduates!

Attention: High school and college graduates!

Cedar Hills will be recognizing our graduates on May 24th.  Please register to be recognized by filling out this form. It asks the following:

  • A current picture (senior picture)
  • A baby picture
  • School from which you are graduating & any honors/degrees
  • What’s next?
  • Words of the wise…

HS graduates – what is your advice to those entering HS?
College graduates – what is your advice to those entering college?


This information will be used to create a slideshow for our worship service on May 24th.  Also, graduates will be featured in the June edition of CHIPS!