Category Archives: News

Noah’s Ark – April Update

Telling a preschooler the real Easter story is a delicate matter. No bunnies, no colorful eggs. We use felt pieces to help show the story, and tell the whole story, scary parts and all. We begin by saying, this is the most important story they have ever heard and it’s a real story. We discuss, all the time, if a story we read is real or make believe. Most of them can tell you the real story about a little baby born in Bethlehem, but now that boy is a grown man, already a hard concept to imagine for a young mind. Then, we talk about how some people hated Jesus.

What?! They thought he was a good guy. Yes, he is a very good guy, but mean people wanted to hurt him. They ask, “Why?” Well, Jesus told everyone that he was the Son of God and he performed miracles, but some people were threatened by his power and wanted to kill him. “What? Like really kill him?” they ask. Yes, so they beat him badly and then nailed his hands and feet to a cross. He hung there until he died. Their eyes are as big as saucers by this time and the room is very quiet. Their teachers are telling them this scary story and it’s not how our stories usually go.

Then, Jesus’ friends wrapped his body and put him in a tomb with a huge rock in front so no one would bother him. His friends were very sad; they went to the tomb three days later, but the stone had been rolled away! This is the good part! An angel appeared and told them that Jesus was risen and he was not in the tomb. What?! Now their heads are spinning trying to think how that happened. We tell them that God raised Jesus from the dead; he was seen by many people; and then he went to heaven and now sits with God. We finish the story telling them that Jesus was sent by God to die for all our sins, every one of us.  Wait, what?! We are part of this story?!” Yes, we are all sinners and Jesus died for us. Young minds blown! John 3:16-“For this is the way God loved the world: He gave His one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

~ Leslie
Director of Noah’s Ark Preschool

Children & Family Ministry April 2018

It has been a little over a month since I’ve joined the staff here at Cedar Hills, and it has been far and away a tremendous experience. Everyone has been extremely friendly and absolutely helpful as Alisse and I have made the transition. We were excited by the various Children’s ministries on our visits but now that we get to experience everything hands-on, we can’t help but to realize how blessed we are to be a part of the ministry.

We’re so thrilled for what’s ahead of the ministry and how God will be using us and the ministry for His glory!

One of the most obvious things we can say about the ministry is the incredible value that the volunteers play, and how passionate they are about serving the Kingdom of God. No matter the background of the child, whether they are new or have been coming a while, each child leaves feeling loved. Which echoes our goal as a ministry, since above all we seek to embody 1 John 4:19, which states, “We love because He
first loved us.” For it is out of love that discipleship will blossom most, and to see these little hearts overjoyed, is a sight to be seen. Even over a month’s time, we’ve been able to see such growth in the kids.

Keep an eye-out, as it is not just a popular cliché that a mind of a child is like a “sponge,” they truly grow faster than any age group on this earth. Let us be a church that authentically models the love of Christ and personifies the foundations of our faith.

Kyle French
Director of Family and Children’s Ministry

How Jesus Sends Us to Change the World

Recently our consistory spent time listening to what Jesus said about the mission he has for us to bless the world. They are relevant whether God sends us to Cedar Rapids or Africa. These ideas are found in Luke 10:1-20.

1) First off, this is God’s project, so pray! He’s the only one who can put a broken world back together, so ask for His help. Prayer is the highest priority.

2) You don’t need a lot of money or fancy stuff to be successful in God’s mission. Go simple. Go depending on the resources. God will provide.

3) Go specifically (and only) where Jesus sends you. He has a plan and he will guide you step by step, if you listen.

4) Go together (2 by 2, families together, teams). God doesn’t expect you to go alone. God gives us brothers and sisters in a common cause.

5) Wherever you go, announce the good news that God’s dream of a new world is coming true now, and invite others to experience its joy with us.

6) God gives us power to heal everyone suffering from the effects of sin. You have divine authority to conquer demons!

7) Finally, don’t worry about the inevitable opposition and roadblocks. It will require sacrifice, but nothing can stop God’s mission to make all things new.

The words of Jesus are powerful and inspiring. Where will you end up when you follow Jesus? Only he knows for sure, but it will be an amazing adventure!

Alan Crandall
Pastor of Care

Praying for the Harvest

from the Cedar Hills consistory:

We believe God wants every man, woman, and child having a daily encounter with Jesus in Word and deed! And God wants to use us to accomplish this “so that the knowledge of the glory of God will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).

We opened our March consistory meeting dwelling in Luke 10. We feel like we are called, like the 70 Jesus sent out, two by two, praying for God to work. Please join us in praying for workers to go where God sends them!

We also began the process of evaluating the Consistory terms and tenures. We are discerning the ways God might want to grow us as consistory members. We are also discerning how we might extend as a  congregation greater love and hospitality to those in our community who are marginalized. And we also will be reviewing our staffing needs as we discern possible next steps for growing our congregation. As you can see, these are all important issues and we certainly appreciate all your prayers!

We also met with Kyle French, the new Director of Family and Children’s Ministry. We heard his story, his vision for the ministry, and prayed for God to guide him as he builds teams for this vital ministry.

God longs for the day when every man, woman and child in Cedar Rapids and Eastern Iowa will have a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed through US! Please pray, pray, pray as God grows us as disciples making disciples more and more in our ability to carry out this mission.

The Cedar Hills Consistory

April 2018 Sermon Topics

He Is Risen!

Dwelling with Jesus, the Risen One.

Apr 1: Celebrate Resurrection!
Easter Services: 8:30, 9:45, and 11 AM
Apr 8: Dwelling with the Risen Jesus.

Living on Mission on Purpose

Dwelling with Jesus, the Head of the Church. On
mission, on purpose with Jesus—a study of Acts.

Apr 15: Empowered for Mission. Acts 1:1-8
Apr 22: Missional Community. Acts 1:9-14
Apr 29: Missional Leadership. Acts 1:15-26
May 6: Missional Impact. Acts 2:1-13


A recent study by Microsoft revealed that the human attention span currently lasts a mere eight seconds. This is down from 12 seconds in the year 2000. If this trend continues, by the year 2030 we will need to refocus our attention 15 times a minute.

Meanwhile, the attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds. Goldfish can pay attention longer than the average person! Researchers believe that the downward spiral of attention is directly related to the pace of change in our world, our connection to multiple electronic devices, and the daily barrage of digital information. Goldfish can focus longer than us because they don’t go online.

If you are like me, you have developed some media habits unintentionally. I catch myself checking the news feed on my phone unintentionally several times a day. It seems funny that we can form a habit without even thinking about it.

So this has me wondering. Can I develop some better habits on purpose? One habit I’m working on is listening to the Holy Spirit. Over the last several months, I’ve been intentional in three areas.

1. Dwelling in God’s Word.
2. Asking God’s Spirit to speak.
3. Listening carefully to God and other people.

I think that these three practices have actually helped grow my spiritual attention span. I have been surprised often. Lately, the number of times I’ve caught myself saying, “I see God’s Spirit at work in you.” I don’t think that God’s Spirit is more active now than He was a few months ago, I think I’ve just  noticed. Maybe you can explore the habit of listening to the Holy Spirit The Lord be with you,

Pastor Kent

Timeless Faith: Women’s Retreat

Saturday, April 28, 9am-3pm all ladies are invited for a time of rest and retreat as we explore the truth of Jesus’ unchanging and unending love. Doors open at 8:30am with a light breakfast.  Lunch is also provided. The cost is $20/person.  Registration begins Sunday, April 8 in the Gathering Space. Or you can also contact Jennifer Curtis 361-5406.

Acts: Daily Readings April 1-7

Join us on our year-long journey reading through the Bible. We begin the book of Acts April 1st. Post your insights on social media using #dwellingwithJesus and @cedarhillscr.

Sunday, April 1 – Acts 1
Monday, April 2 – Acts 2
Tuesday, April 3 – Acts 3
Wednesday, April 4 – Acts 4
Thursday, April 5 – Acts 5
Friday, April 6 – Acts 6
Saturday, April 7 – Acts 7

Next Week:

Sunday, April 8 – Acts 8
Monday, April 9 – Acts 9
Tuesday, April 10 – Acts 10
Wednesday, April 11 – Acts 11
Thursday, April 12 – Acts 12
Friday, April 13 – Acts 13
Saturday, April 14 – Acts 14

Egg Hunt Postponed

Due to the upcoming winter storm tonight into Saturday, the Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for Saturday, March 24 will be postponed until Sunday, April 15.  We’ll get more details out as the date approaches. The hunt will be sometime after the 2nd service on that day.  Stay safe out there!

The storm should be cleared up by Sunday morning. It’s Palm Sunday! The children will have fun worshiping with Palm branches in the services.  8:30am and 11am.

Easter is the following Sunday – April 1. We have two traditional services at 8:30 and 9:45, and a contemporary service at 11am.  More details on Easter at Cedar Hills.