Category Archives: Holiday

Salvation Army Ring Days

On Saturday, December 10, Cedar Hills will be manning the Salvation Army Red Kettles at the Johnson Ave Hy-Vee and 16th Avenue Fareway.

We will fill 1-hr time slots from 10am-7pm at both locations.

Contact Scott Drzycimski for information or to inquire about available spots below.

    Enter the Nativity

    “Enter the Nativity” – a new 5-week series begins Sunday, Nov. 28.  This series covers the season of Advent (the 4-week preparation for Christmas), Christmas Eve, and the Sunday after Christmas.

    We will look at the different characters of the Christmas story – Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, the angels, Jesus and the Magi and discover together the grand invitation we each are extended to come and behold the Messiah.

    We worship on Sundays at 8:30am and 11am, with classes for all ages in between services at 9:45am.  More About Worship

    Christmas Eve services will be held Dec. 24 at 3pm, 5pm & 7pm.  The 5pm services will also be live on Facebook.  Nursery care for ages 0-36mo provided at 3 & 5pm.  More about Christmas Eve.

    Salvation Army Bell Ringers


    Saturday, Dec. 5 is the Cedar Hills Day at the Kettle!  Each year, our church covers a day of bell ringing for the Salvation Army Red Kettle fundraiser.  This year we will be at both the Johnson Ave Hy-Vee and the the 16th Ave Fareway stores.

    Sign up online for a two-hour shift today.  Times begin at 10am. Due to COVID-19, only two bell ringers can be present at at time.


    Candy Donations for Egg Hunt

    It’s that time of year!  Easter is quick approaching and we’re planning another great Easter Egg Hunt for Saturday, April 11 a 9am.  The egg hunt is for ages preschool to 5th grade and is free and open to the public. Bring your own basket!

    Help us with our Egg Hunt supplies and donate a few bags of candy! Just make sure they are individually wrapped and can fit inside a plastic egg (otherwise, the office staff has to eat the ones that don’t make the cut!)

    Drop off at the bin near the Family Discipleship Table or to the church office anytime before April 9.

    Christmas Tie Challenge!

    Wear a Christmas Tie on Sunday, Dec. 22!

    An anonymous donor is challenging everyone to wear a Christmas Tie on Sunday, December 22nd.  Ten dollars will be donated to the Capital Campaign for every tie worn that day, man, woman or child! Wear a tie with or without your ugly sweater and support your church.  This could even become an annual event if there is enough interest this year.  Look for a special tally sheet in the Gathering Space to mark that you’ve worn a tie!

    Sunday, Dec. 22 is “Joy” Sunday at Cedar Hills.  In addition to coming dressed in our favorite holiday attire and ugly sweaters, the children will be singing at the 11am service, choir will be singing at the 8:30am service, and members of the Cedar Rapids Orchestra will be provided music during the continental breakfast.

    And also a reminder that another donor is matching one-time gifts to the campaign, up to $5000, through Dec. 31.  Learn more about our Grow the Good Capital Campaign.

    Breakfast will be served throughout the morning and there are no Sunday Classes that Sunday.  The staff will be competing for the “Ugliest Sweater” award! Donations given to vote for your favorite staff sweater will go towards the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign.

    It just keeps getting better! 🙂

    Ugly Sweater Sunday

    On Sunday, Dec. 22 we’ll be celebrating all things joyous!  A newer tradition at Cedar Hills is wearing our favorite holiday and Ugly Christmas sweaters.  Come adorned in your favorites!

    There are no Sunday classes this day, but a continental breakfast will be served throughout the morning.  The choir will be singing a special Christmas song at the 8:30am service, and the younger children are singing a few songs at the 11am service.  One of our favorite Sundays of the year!