No Fear—You Are Empowered

I love the theme and vision we have for the coming year of ministry: Transform the Corridor.

When our cities are transformed, everyone benefits! (Jer. 29:7). And what we often fail to realize is the great transformation taking place inside of us through the power of the Holy Spirit is a transformation that spills into our every day lives. We are literally little walking balls of transformational light and we carry this power wherever we go.

This is no fear needed. The power of the Holy Spirit inside us gives us everything we need for this calling. As a church, we believe God has uniquely called each one of us to some place specific this year where our empowerment by the Holy Spirit will be super evident. In this specific place He calls you, you are an agent of transformation.

You have the great potential to get to know people, to listen to their stories, to jump to their aid when they need you, to build relationships beyond a ‘hello’, and to share the Gospel. And to share it in unique and awesome ways that are already built into your specific personality and wiring.

Again I say, there is no fear needed in this journey. You are empowered! You are called! And you have all the right tools built within you. The simple beauty of this task is that it is not another thing to do, but instead, a change of focus from just being present to being intentional—to not just being a person present, but being an empowered follower of Christ.

Ask yourself — where can I live out the Gospel this year? How will that change my daily interactions there? What little steps can turn into big transformation? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, that’s okay! We’ll be teaching on this transformation with specific steps on how to put this all into action. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will Transform the Corridor.

Leah Carolan
Director of Worship & Media

Noah’s Ark Preschool – August 2018 Update

In July, we started our second session of summer school. What a great group we have this summer! I’m not sure who is having more fun, the kids or the teachers!

A quick reminder that we have a few openings for the fall for 3’s and 4’s. For more information, visit

Summer school is so rewarding and we can enjoy the fruits of our labor. Everyone is familiar with our routines, knows the rules, and feels comfortable with the teachers. In just one month, we will be back to the beginning: new students, who are very unsure and sometimes very unhappy to say goodbye to their moms and dads. It is very stressful on them and we need to tend to all their needs. Our job as teachers is to create a safe, loving environment so we can actually teach, but that can take time. Consistency, love, and honesty is what makes Noah’s Ark so special. Once children feel safe, we can pour in God’s love. The transformation is so beautiful.

Are you creating a safe loving environment at home, work, school? Once people feel safe with you, they can open their hearts and you can start pouring in God’s love, too. Beautiful!

Leslie Clauson,
Noah’s Ark Preschool Director

August 12 Open House

Open House – August 12

Join us Sunday, August 12 at 9:45 AM for the Open House of Cross Training Classes (preschool—adults) to meet your teacher, visit your classroom, and have brunch.  We will also be featuring our new child check-in process and getting children and parents familiar with the system.

Kick-Off Sunday – August 19

Sunday, August 19 is our official Fall Kick-off and classes start at 9:45 AM.

ages 0 to 5th Grade Register

Nursery (0-2yrs): Loving volunteers, staffed at (9:45am and 11am)
Preschool (3yrs-4yrs): Karly Barnard, Deb DeHaan, Mary Landhuis
Kindergarten: Paula Stevens, Diane Potter
1st Grade: Jana Houghkirk, Tracy Spicer-Ehrman
2nd & 3rd Grade: Melissa Oberembt, Jill Henry
4th & 5th Grade: Alisse French, Matt Johnson, Matt Houghkirk

6th Grade to 12th Grade Register

Junior High (6th-8th): Jeremy Van Genderen
FaithQuest (for 8th graders pursuing membership): Lois Deerberg
Senior High (9th-12th): Tamara Strecker

Adult Classes and Groups

Saturate: Alan Crandall & team
Sundays at 9:45am. God wants us to be so saturated with Jesus that His love will overflow in our daily lives so that everyone we meet, everywhere we go, can experience the good news of Jesus and be transformed. This class is both for current members or friends, and those who wish to become members. Register.

See Jesus: See God: Joanne Lodge
Sundays at 9:45am. In John 14:9 Jesus said, “He who has seen me has seen the Father.“ Come; get to know Jesus and get to know the Father through an in-depth study of the book of Matthew. Register.

Comfort in Life and Death: Ray VanderWiel, and Kent Landhuis
Sundays at 9:45am. The Heidelberg catechism asks the question: What is your only comfort in Life and in death? Come to this class and explore the Biblical answer to this question as we discuss life and death questions raised in the Heidelberg Catechism. Register.

Parenting Community: Karl & Lindsey Ungs, and Gary Mills
Sundays at 9:45am. Parenting is a big job and parents can use a lot of help along the way. This community will encourage  conversations with parents— young and old—to help everyone fulfill their calling as parents. Register.

G2: Deb Steinbaker
Meets weekdays. Pronounced “G Squared”, we will celebrate and enjoy the company of each other while on the trails, in the parks and in the community. There will be planned activities each month. Ideas are encouraged! Examples: Walking trails, hiking, urban walks cycling, nature center, museums in CR, Marion and surrounding Corridor communities. Contact Deb Steinbaker, 319-560-9383 if interested.

Consistory Update Aug 2018

From the Consistory:

Leadership matters and so the Consistory regularly reviews our congregation’s ministry to evaluate if it is bearing fruit. We desire spiritually mature men and women, called and gifted to serve, over the long haul.

Our current practice is 3-year terms for Elders and Deacons with the possibility of a second successive 3-year term.  This practice usually results in the turnover of one third of the Consistory every year which impairs continuity. In light of the current needs, the Consistory voted to create flexible Consistory terms that begin as they do currently (3-year terms) but then can be extended one year at a time for up to five more years.

We believe that this change will allow adequate time to discover the roles and responsibilities involved with Consistory leadership, while also giving additional years to grow as leaders.

Continued service on the Consistory will be by mutual agreement of the board member and the Consistory, with the opportunity to recommit for one year at a time until five additional years have been served. Flexible terms that create room for longer terms allow gifted, called, and passionate leaders to keep serving.

The Consistory also heard a report from Scott Drzycimski about our worship technology ministry. This vital ministry facilitates the support needed for sound, lights, and video that are used to enhance our worship experiences. Scott alerted us to aging equipment that is nearing the end of its expected life and reported on the results of a study commissioned to design and price new audio and video systems. In the next few months, we will consider this need alongside of other spending priorities.

Finally, the Consistory also discussed the Fall Kick-Off and our hope that we will embark on a year-long exploration of how God is calling us to transform our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces, and communities. We are prayerfully discerning the ways we can make this call a sustained effort to equip the congregation to follow God’s Spirit in bringing transformation to the corridor.

Please keep the Consistory and staff in prayer as we grow in our ability to equip the congregation to make disciples who make disciples to bring transformation to our world in the name of Jesus! We are praying that every man, woman, and child would have a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed through us!

~ The Consistory

Transforming the Corridor

In the book of Acts, we saw how God transformed the world through disciples of Jesus who relied on the power of the Holy Spirit and followed the leading of the Spirit in their communities. This fall we want to apply these lessons on transformation to our communities.

Where is God calling you to follow the Spirit in bringing transformation?

July 29: The Ongoing Mission of God
Aug 5: Jesus Goes Everywhere
Aug 12: Jesus Loves Us (Open House & Brunch)
Aug 19: Jesus is Better (Kick-Off Sunday)
Aug 26: Jesus Defines Us
Sept 2: Jesus and Mission

Sunday Morning Services: 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM

Back to Basics – Cedar Chips

Last month I asked, “If God decided to thoroughly and dramatically change something or someone in the Cedar Valley Corridor in which we live—what kind of change would God bring?”

What is your answer? What transformation would you like to see God bring?

I have lots of answers, but right this moment I am thinking about the transformation that comes when disciples of Jesus reach out with the love of Jesus to make another disciple. This might be a first-time commitment to follow Jesus or a disciple who is ready to grow deeper. Any growth that moves someone closer to Jesus, geeks me out.

This vision of transformation is actually back to the basics of why we do ministry. Our vision for ministry is to make disciples who make disciples in the everyday stuff of life. We are called to “go make disciples” (Matthew 28:18-20) and whenever that happens, I am thrilled. Here are some more basics of our vision that you might inspire us to press into the transformation that God wants to bring.

Basic Identity: WHO we are One church. Many places. Following Jesus.
 We are one church, a people loved by God (Luke 15)
 We exist in many places to share the love of God everywhere we go. (John 3:16)
 We follow Jesus in the everyday stuff of life. (Luke 9:23)

Basic Value: Our compelling WHY Because God loves us, we love.
 We Love God Deeply.
 We Love Ourselves Properly.
 We Love Our Neighbors Boldly.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37).

Basic Calling: WHAT we do We make disciples who make disciples in the everyday stuff of life. (Matthew 4:18-20)
 Seek
 Love
 Grow
 Serve

Basic Strategy: the HOW
Large group celebrations (Corporate Worship) that gather us to give life. Small groups and Missional Communities that go out to spread life. Celebrations shape people through gospel-centered worship. Small groups create safe places for relational connection and missional expression. Life transformation and vitality emerge when disciples are connected in both small and large groups – breathing in and out. (Acts 20:20-21, MSG)

Go Make Disciples,
Pastor Kent

Keith Muller Funeral/Visitation

Keith Bernard Muller Keith Bernard Muller

September 28, 1946 – July 28, 2018

Keith Muller went home to be with his Lord (Jesus) on July 28, 2018 at the age of 71 years.

A visitation will be held at Cedar Hills Community Church on Wednesday, from 4 until 7 p.m. Funeral services: 11 a.m., Thursday, with visitation after 10 a.m. Teahen Funeral Home and Cremation Service are attending the family.

Service: 11 a.m. on Thursday, Cedar Hills Community Church.  Friends may visit with the family on Wednesday, 4 to 7 p.m. Funeral  with an hour visitation one hour prior. Teahen Funeral Home and Cremation Service are attending the family.

He was born to Jacob and Tillie Muller and grew up in Aplington, Iowa, with his brother Terry. In 1968 until 1969, he bravely served with the United States Army during the Vietnam War. After being honorably discharged he made his home in Cedar Rapids. Keith married the love of his life, Suzanne “Sue” and together they raised three sons, Justin, Ryan and Casey.

Their family expanded to include daughters-in-law, Melissa, Kara and Cathy and grandchildren, Ashley, Austin, Alicia, Jakob and Jenna Muller.

Keith leaves a legacy of faith to his loving family. He had a strong belief that “God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” *John 3:16.  Keith showed by example how to live and how to die for Christ.

Instead of flowers memorials may be directed to the family.

Register for the 2018-2019 season of ministry

The Fall Kick-off of classes and ministries is Sunday, Aug. 19.  Sunday school Cross Training classes will resume then at 9:45am, in between the two worship services.  Everyone is invited to our Fall open house on Sunday, Aug 12 to locate classrooms, meet teachers, and enjoy a brunch together.  Help us plan for the Fall by pre-registering for classes online, including children, youth and adults.

Register Online

Classes Offered

Ages 0 – 5th Grade (Register now)

  • Nursery: Staff by volunteers at the 11am service
  • 3 & 4-yr olds: Karly Barnard, Deb DeHaan, and Mary Landhuis
  • Kindergarten: Paula Stevens and Diane Potter
  • 1st Grade: Jana Houghkirk and Tracy Spicer-Ehrman
  • 2nd & 3rd Grade: Melissa Oberembt and Jill Henry
  • 4th & 5th Grade: Alisse FrenchMatt Johnson, and Matt Houghkirk

6th Grade – 12th Grade (Register now)

  • Junior High (6th-8th Grade – Sunday Mornings): Jeremy Van Genderen
  • FaithQuest (for 8th Grade pursuing membership – Sunday Mornings)Lois Deerberg
  • Senior High (9th-12th – Sunday mornings): Tamara Strecker
  • Journey (6th Grade – 12th Grade – Sunday Evenings)

Adult Classes

Saturate: Alan Crandall & team (Register Now)
God wants us to be so saturated with Jesus that His love will overflow in our daily lives so that everyone we meet, everywhere we go, can experience the good news of Jesus and be transformed. This class is both for current members or friends, and those who wish to become members.

See Jesus: See GodJoanne Lodge (Register Now)
In John 14:9 Jesus said, “He who has seen me has seen the Father.“ Come; get to know Jesus and get to know the Father through an indepth study of the book of Matthew.

Comfort in Life and Death: Ray VanderWiel & Kent Landhuis (Register Now)
The Heidelberg catechism asks the question: What is your only comfort in Life and in death? Come to this class and explore the Biblical answer to this question as we discuss life and death questions raised in the Heidelberg Catechism.

Parenting Community: Karl & Lindsey Ungs, and Gary Mills (Register Now)
Parenting is a big job and parents can use a lot of help along the way. This community will encourage conversations with parents—young and old—to help everyone fulfill their calling as parents.

Love. Belong. Serve.