Growing Missional Communities
We believe God wants every man, woman, and child having a daily encounter with Jesus in Word and deed! And God wants to use us to accomplish this “so that the knowledge of the glory of God will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).
A vital aspect of living on mission as a congregation is to grow leaders who are living on mission. The consistory is currently engaging the question of growing missional leaders in two ways. First, we are
growing ourselves by exploring how we can live on mission. Second, we are evaluating the leadership structure to see if our structure limits leadership commitment and ownership.
Our hope has always been that Cedar Hills would not be a staff-led ministry. We believe that the staff equips others to do ministry by building teams, led by non-staff leaders. So far in the review of our leadership development, we have discovered that one structural limitation to growing leaders who feel empowered
is turnover of elected leaders such as elders and deacons. We want to recruit, train and retain leaders who serve for the long haul. As we continue this review we will keep the congregation informed about our discoveries.
We also met with Leah Carolan, our director of Worship & Media. We celebrated her gift of raising up dozens of leaders in the areas of singing, playing instruments, running tech, creative arts, Sunday hospitality, and in developing our social media. Easter was a highlight with more than 100 volunteers serving and leading throughout the three services.
Please pray for our congregation as we continue to explore missional community together. God longs for the day when every man, woman, and child in Cedar Rapids and Eastern Iowa will have a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed through us!
2018 Consistory
Deacons: Alan Brockette, Bruce Boldt, Jim Flamming, Allison Johnson, Nancy Josifek, Karen Schumacher
Elders: Lois Deerberg, Deb DeHaan, Diane Potter, Mike Robinson, Crissie Rozendaal, Kate Ulmer, Ken Viggers
Pastors: Alan Crandall, Kent Landhuis (President)