Missions – God is doing a new thing!

God is doing a new thing! The Missions Team is excited to keep the missions fire burning and feels called by God to turn up the heat! ‘Missions’ means reaching people outside the church. Anyone anywhere in the world who is not a believer needs to be reached and we want to reach them. We know that we have a long way to go, but we are ready to take next steps by  inspiring the congregation with the goal of reaching out.

We are praying that we will all be less self-serving and more  committed to reaching the world and we are praying for God to work in us toward that end. We are also asking people, “What is God telling you personally about your call to reach the world?” We know that God is working and that there is a lot of work for us to do.

As we follow God and trust the Holy Spirit we trust that God will lead us. God wants to reach the world even more than we do so we will follow God one step at a time! Join us in giving praise for what God is doing— and will do—to reach the world!

If you want to be part of what God is doing to grow Cedar Hills to reach the world, contact Pastor Kent.

Family & Children Ministry – January 2018 Update

Parents are called to nurture faith in their children. This call is not simple or easy. Our goal is to do everything within our  power as a congregation to walk with parents and give them the tools they need to accomplish this vital task so that children will develop a life-long faith in Jesus. This task is so big and so important that we are pursuing a full-time Director of Family and Children Ministries. This position will be responsible for the oversight of ministry to families with children, birth through 5th Grade. The primary role for this position is to help parents in their call to disciple their children and equip others
to intentionally focus on developing children into life-long followers of Jesus. (Make disciples who make disciples—Matthew 28:18-20).

The essential duties and responsibilities include:

  • Encourage, empower, and equip parents to actively nurture the faith of their children.
  • Equip adults who love children to disciple children (goal 5 adults to 1 child).
  • Develop teams to build a family-based discipleship ministry.
  • Oversee teams by giving spiritual care, vision, recruitment assistance, and volunteer training.

We are hopeful that we will fill this position in early 2018. In January all the current programs—Cross Training, Explorers, Nursery, and All-Stars for Jesus will resume. Watch the bulletin for the latest updates. Your prayers for wisdom in this transition process are very much appreciated!

~ The Transition Team

Worship/Media January Update

For All That You Have Done

by Rend Collective; © 2014 Thankyou Music
 (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing); CCLI#648382

Your grace will never be forgot.
Your mercy, all my life,
will be my soul’s forever song,
my story and my light.
From mountain top to valley
low, through laughter and
through tears, surely the goodness of my God
will follow all the years.
For all that You have done for us,
for every battle won
we’ll raise a song to bless Your heart,
for all that you have done.
In all our failures and regrets,
You’ve always led us home.
Redemption’s arm has raised us up,
our triumph in the storm.
In unity we’ll stand as one, as family we’ll go
shoulder to shoulder,
hand in hand into the great unknown. 

I love this song. It’s sung to the tune of auld lang syne and written by the worship band Rend Collective. I’ve never known anyone to write new lyrics to this tune…and kind of wish I had thought of the idea first! The tune itself triggers the idea of new beginnings and fresh starts.

New year, new beginnings, new season of seeking after the heart of Jesus. We’re committed to dwelling in the Word for this entire year and will carry on in this commitment. How has your Bible knowledge changed over the last few months? How have your Bible study habits changed? We’re always looking for stories of how God is at work. If you have something to share, let us know! Your story may be the key that unlocks a new beginning for someone else.

~ Leah
Director of Worship & Media

Journey – January 2018 Update

The Journey student ministry had a busy end to the year with different service and fundraising activities. In January, keep your eyes and ears open for our annual super bowl sub sale. We would love to make some sandwiches for you for game day.

As we walk into this new year, many of us have thought of something we would like to do differently. You may have even heard the phrase, “New Year, New You.” This year I want to encourage you to live according to Ephesians 4:24. The NLT says it this way, “Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” In Da Jesus book we read this version:
“You guys gotta start fo live da new kine way. God wen make dat new kine life so you guys can come jalike him. Den you guys goin be fo real an be good an spesho fo God, an live da true way.”

This year may your new you be molded and sculpted by the creator of the universe who knows exactly how and why he made you.

 ~ Jeremy Van Genderen
Director of Youth & Young Adults

Noah’s Ark Update – January 2018

What a great month we’ve had at preschool. We were very busy learning about the first Christmas. All
the classes visited with Pastor Kent and he told them about that special night that Jesus was born. Acting
out the very first Christmas was a big highlight for the children and families. Thank you to all who attended.
Thank you to all the generous families who donated items to help preschool! Thank you for the teachers’ gifts, too.

Registration for our 2018-2019 school year is open to everyone. If you know someone who needs information, have them stop by our office or call us at 396-3125 or visit: www.noahsarkcr.org.

In January the 4-year-olds will begin their testing. These tests are designed to be fun and playful and non-stressful. Testing will help the teachers give an accurate report card for parents so they may decide if Kindergarten or Alternative-Kindergarten is best for their child. It also helps parents identify some areas they may wish to work on with their child.

Thank you for supporting Noah’s Ark Preschool. We feel very blessed to be doing something that we love and sharing God’s Word.

In Christ,
~ Leslie
Director of Noah’s Ark Preschool

$329 Donated From Staff Ugly Sweater Competition

On Dec. 10, 2017 the Cedar Hills Staff took part in a friendly “Ugly Sweater” competition. Staff dressed in their best/worst ugly Christmas sweater attire, and the Cedar Hills community had a chance to vote for their favorite sweater combo.  The pics were up, the red kettles out, and Cedar Hills voted!  Our office administrator, Jennifer took the title for the ugliest sweater, but the real victory is the donation we were able to make from the contest to the Salvation Army.  Earlier today we presented our competition earnings to the Salvation Army with great joy!

Earlier this month Cedar Hills took a day of bell-ringing at the 16th Ave Fareway – and brought in the most donations for that day! Between the ugly sweaters and our kettle ringers, we were able to raise almost $1000 for the Salvation Army.

We are happy and blessed to be able to partner with our friends in the Salvation Army and appreciate the wonderful work they do in our community.

Love. Belong. Serve.