Category Archives: Easter

Lent at Cedar Hills

MIDWEEK SERVICES – On Wednesday nights until Easter (except for the week of Maundy Thursday) we have midweek worship services at 6:30pm.  These will run approximately 30 minutes with a meal beforehand.   There is also a meal served prior to the service 5:15-6:15pm.  Please kindly RSVP weekly to the office or on the bulletin response if you plan to attend the meal.

EASTER WORSHIP – Sunday, April 20 at 8:30am & 11am.  There will be no Sunday classes on Easter Sunday.

Ash Wednesday 2022

Our Ash Wednesday worship service is March 2, 2022 at 6:30pm.  A dinner is provided beforehand 5:15-6:15pm.  An RSVP is helpful, but not required. (Call the office 396-6608)

Nursery (ages 0-36mo) and children’s worship (ages 3-3rd grade) will be available starting at 6:15pm.  Children are always welcome to stay with their families in the service as well.

Come, receive the ashes, and enter into this Lenten season of reflection as we await Easter Sunday together.

Coffee Hour – Sundays 10am

Join us before the live service stream! Keep your coffee fresh (and your germs stale) at our digital coffee hour on Sundays, 10am in the Zoom app, just before the live service stream at 11am.  The staff will be in and out as well while we’re setting up for the worship service live stream.

Here’s the info you need to join us in Zoom:

  • Topic: Sunday Coffee Hour 10am
  • Time: Apr 5, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
  • Every week on Sun, until May 31, 2020, 9 occurrence(s)
  • Meeting ID: 837 179 546

Easter Sign Project

Wondering how to celebrate Easter this year?

You are invited to our Easter Sign Celebration! We are asking each of you to use “garage leftovers” to come up with the most creative sign/sculpture to post on the church property. We will line Stoney Point Rd and E Ave from our driveways to the roundabout.

Come post your signs on Saturday, April 11th….so by Easter day our property will be filled with signs reflecting Christ’s love for all to see while driving by.

Include a heart and a message of Easter hope, like “He is Risen”.


  • It’s windy on our hill! Take measures to ‘sturdy’ your sign.
  • Bigger is always better for visibility!

Enjoy this Video

Palm Sunday Pancakes… at home!

It’s a Cedar Hills tradition – pancakes on Palm Sunday. This Palm Sunday, we invite you to make pancakes with your family for breakfast and enjoy them before the Live stream… or during! 🙂 Take a few pics of your pancake breakfast and send them to us. You might find yourself on the big screens Sunday morning, April 5 if you submit your pictures before 10am.

    Our Staff Pancake Artist

    And just for fun, our worship director is quite the pancake artist when cookin’ up flap jacks for her kids. Enjoy this album of our favorites:

    Candy Donations for Egg Hunt

    It’s that time of year!  Easter is quick approaching and we’re planning another great Easter Egg Hunt for Saturday, April 11 a 9am.  The egg hunt is for ages preschool to 5th grade and is free and open to the public. Bring your own basket!

    Help us with our Egg Hunt supplies and donate a few bags of candy! Just make sure they are individually wrapped and can fit inside a plastic egg (otherwise, the office staff has to eat the ones that don’t make the cut!)

    Drop off at the bin near the Family Discipleship Table or to the church office anytime before April 9.

    Join a Special Easter Choir


    If you enjoy singing, we invite you to be a part of a special Easter choir to sing at the first two Easter services Sunday, April 12.  The choir is open to anyone 8th grade and up who can read music.

    Rehearsal Schedule (Must be able to attend TWO rehearsals):
    Wednesday, March 18, 7:05pm
    Wednesday, March 25, 7:05pm
    Wednesday, March 31, 7:05pm
    Wednesday, April 1, 7:05pm
    Wednesday, April 8, 6:40pm – full run through on Stage

    Rehearsals are in room 134/135.

    The Easter choir sings along with the opening hymns in the services and prepares a few special music numbers.  On Easter, services are at 8:30am, 9:45am, and 11am. The choir sings at 8:30am and 9:45am.

    If interested, send your name and voice part to Stuart Geiger via email along with any questions you may have!

    Lent Begins Feb. 26

    The Season of Lent
    Cedar Chips – February 2020

    Lent is a season of forty days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter. This year it starts on Wednesday, February 26. It is a time of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are different practices associated with the season of Lent, but the intention is that Lent serves as a season of growing closer to God. Consider using the special services and practices of Lent to help you grow closer to God!

    During Lent, we meet on Wednesday nights for a meal (5:15pm-6:15pm) and a short reflective worship service 6:30pm-7:00pm. The season begins with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 26 and continues until Maundy Thursday on Apr. 9.  All are welcome for this season of reflection and going deeper into the Word.