Category Archives: Sabbath

How We Continue to Be the Church in Light of COVID-19

In light of COVID-19, we are convinced and convicted more than ever the need to be the church beyond the walls of our physical church building.  While our building may be a bit quieter as we wait out the social-distancing rules, our roles as the hands and feet of Jesus increases that much more.

A couple of unique and powerful opportunities for us to continue as a church:

Open Hands Food Pantry

We anticipate an increasing need for food in the next few weeks.  It is our desire to keep the pantry open and switching over to a ‘drive-by’ solution where pantry visitors stay in their cars and we go out to meet them and bring the groceries to them.  This means we need the help of more able bodies, able to carry groceries (or cart them) to and from the pantry to the front doors.  If you are off work due to the virus or have extra time on your hands, this is a perfect opportunity!  If you are able to help, please email pantry leader Darlene DeVries.

Pantry Hours: Mondays 5-6pm, Wednesdays 10am-12pm, Fridays 10am-12pm


We’ll be both uploading pre-recorded content and streaming our worship services online, and not physically meeting onsite for worship beginning immediately.  Sundays will be live at 11am on Facebook.  Our Wednesday Lenten messages will be pre-recorded and released on Wednesdays with announcements and encouragement! As part of our regular worship, we encourage you to give online via the app or website, or to take time to mail a check.   Please continue to support the ministry of our church!

If you are unable to catch the live feeds, we post all our sermons online. They can be accessed in iTunes, Buzzsprout, Stitcher, Spotify, iHeartradio, and on the website. (There is also a button in the Cedar Hills Appget the app!)

Watch Parties

We encourage you to keep worshipping with us on a regular schedule, and taking “Watch Party” pictures of your family or group as you join together to listen/watch online, submitting them in the ‘comments’ of the video feeds.

Facebook Groups

There are couple of Facebook groups we want to draw your attention to that you might like to join. We believe within these groups we can support each other, hear of needs, and respond from what we have! Toilet paper, childcare, meals delivered, etc.  We are especially excited about how we can respond to needs as they arise.

Children Singing Video

The children ages 3 to 5th grade have been working for weeks on a song they planned to sing Palm Sunday.  We would like to collect videos of your child singing along with the song to create a video montage.  The recording and lyrics are here.  When completed, send your video recording to Leah Carolan by March 29 (email, dropbox, ishare… whichever way you prefer!)

Journey Youth

Pastor Steve has created a YouTube channel for the Journey Youth.  He’ll also be touching base with the youth via texts and email.

Zoom Meetings, Marco Polo and Other Video Apps

If your small group decides to forgo physical meetings, consider setting a time once a week where you will all login together for a Zoom meeting or other video meeting app.  Or begin a Marco Polo group and stay in touch via video messages with encouragement, prayer support and community.

Stay Connected

Please call your friends. Check on your neighbors.  Connect with those who live alone and let them know they are not alone.  Respond to needs you hear as best you can! (Or share them with us in the Facebook groups.).  We need each other.


Continue to pray.  Join our prayer chain to lift up others in prayer.  Pray that God would help our lights to shine brightly as we minister to those around us.

Follow us on Social Media

Facebook – @cedarhillscommunitychurch
Instagram – @cedarhillscr
Twitter – @cedarhillscr


Sermon Series – July 2019

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” ~ Psalm 46:10

Discovering margin by enjoying Sabbath. A deep dive into Exodus 20:8-11.


June 30: Margin for Relationships
“Neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns.“ ~ Exodus 20:10b

July 7: Margin for Justice
“Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day.” ~ Deut. 5:15

July 14: Margin for Worship
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.“ ~ Exodus 20:8

July 21: Margin for Togetherness
“Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day.” ~ Exodus 20:11b

July 28: Margin for Life
“Therefore the Lord made it holy.” ~ Exodus 20:11b

Sunday Worship Services:

8:30 AM and 11:00 AM


I remember a sermon from years ago that taught about spiritual breathing. I’m not sure why this sermon stuck with me, maybe it was the visual aide of breathing. “Breathe in,” the preacher said. “Hold it…now breathe out.”

“Do it again,” he urged, “in with the good air. Out with the bad air.”

He then shifted to the topic of spiritual breathing.

“Breathe the Spirit in, breathe selfishness out. Breathe God’s goodness in, breathe out worry and stress. Breathe in forgiveness, breathe out sin.”

Our recent reflections on the Sabbath have rekindled my interest in spiritual breathing. I find myself at various times throughout the day, taking a few moments to focus on my breathing. I am not thinking only about breathing air deeply in and
out of my lungs, I am also thinking about breathing in step with God’s Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-26)

Hopefully you have started to take baby steps toward Sabbath:

  • Step #1: Name the truth—24/7 is not sustainable.
  • Step #2: Admit – I need a stop day.
  • Step #3: Identify your Sabbath day.
  • Step #4: Make one change on that day. (Stop something or add something)
  • Step #5: Grow your Sabbath rhythm.

If you have not yet started—start today. It is as important as breathing. Breathe in. Hold it… breathe out. Ahhhh!

The Lord be with you,
Pastor Kent