Wednesday, April 18 – All Stars is cancelled due to the weather. See you next week!
Acts: Daily Readings April 16-22
Join us on our year-long journey reading through the Bible. We begin the book of Acts April 1st. Post your insights on social media using #dwellingwithJesus and @cedarhillscr.
Monday, April 16 – Acts 16
Tuesday, April 17 – Acts 17
Wednesday, April 18 – Acts 18
Thursday, April 19 – Acts 19
Friday, April 20 – Acts 20
Saturday, April 21 – Acts 21
Sunday, April 22 – Acts 22
Next Week:
Monday, April 23 – Acts 23
Tuesday, April 24 – Acts 24
Wednesday, April 25 – Acts 25
Thursday, April 26 – Acts 26
Friday, April 27 – Acts 27
Saturday, April 28 – Acts 28
Sunday, April 29 – Romans 1
Monday, April 30 – Romans 2
“Spring” Egg Hunt Sunday
This Sunday, April 15 at 1pm is the Egg Hunt (rescheduled from earlie in March). For children aged preschool to 5th grade! Bring your own basket for the hunt. We’ll start at 1pm in the Worship Center and *hopefully* weather pending (again!) move outside for the hunt. We section off areas for each age group.
Sunday is also Noah’s Ark Preschool Sunday. The children of Noah’s Ark will give a brief presentation in the 11am worship service. If you or your family are considering attending Noah’s Ark next fall, enrollment is open. Visit and come visit us on Sunday to talk with Noah’s Ark staff and see a snippet of the wonderful things happening at the preschool.
Summer Camp Details!
In case you missed it, Lake View Camps came and shared this past Sunday as our monthly missions update. As one of our mission partners, we love supporting Lake View and are excited to help send you and your family to Lake View Camps this summer. If you’d like to attend, the church will pay 1/2 the cost of your camp registration fees. To go about the process:
- Print and fill out the camp registration from at or pick one up at church. (Registration Brochure)
- Return the form to the church office along with a check for 1/2 the payment.
- We’ll add another check to the registration and mail it to the camp.
There are camps all summer long and tons of options to choose from – even grandparent/grandchild camp! Be sure to check them out. There are some deadlines to get the best deal on registration fees, so don’t delay!
Acts: Daily Readings April 8-15
Join us on our year-long journey reading through the Bible. We begin the book of Acts April 1st. Post your insights on social media using #dwellingwithJesus and @cedarhillscr.
Sunday, April 8 – Acts 8
Monday, April 9 – Acts 9
Tuesday, April 10 – Acts 10
Wednesday, April 11 – Acts 11
Thursday, April 12 – Acts 12
Friday, April 13 – Acts 13
Saturday, April 14 – Acts 14
Sunday, April 15 – Acts 15
Next week:
Monday, April 16 – Acts 16
Tuesday, April 17 – Acts 17
Wednesday, April 18 – Acts 18
Thursday, April 19 – Acts 19
Friday, April 20 – Acts 20
Saturday, April 21 – Acts 21
Sunday, April 22 – Acts 22
Timeless Faith – Women’s Retreat
Ladies of all ages are invited for a day of rest and relaxation as we explore the truth of Jesus’ unchanging and unending love.
At: Cedar Hills Community Church
Date: Saturday, April 28, 2018
Time: Doors open at 8:30 AM, programing begins at 9 AM. Ends at 3 PM. Light breakfast and lunch provided.
Fee: $20 due at registration. Registration deadline is April 22. Can pay by cash, check or in the Cedar Hills app by choosing “Women’s Retreat Registration” from the fund menu. No childcare will be provided.
For more information, contact: Jennifer Curtis at [email protected] or 319-361-5406. A registration table will be set up in the Gathering Space on Sundays: April 8, 15, and 22. Or you can register below.
Error: Contact form not found.
Help Feed the Hungry
The Open Hands Food Pantry has a few needs this Spring. Two ways you can help:
1. Donate needed items: juice, soup (other than tomato), cereal, tuna, paper towels, toilet tissue. (We cannot accept clothing, toys, household goods.)
2. Volunteer help is needed: Mon, 5-6 PM and Wed & Fri 10 AM-12 PM. No experience is necessary; sign up outside the door to the pantry. Questions? Call Darlene, 223-5652 or Karen, 360-5410.
Journey April 2018 Update
In Romans we read, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”
On April 15 we will be hosting our 2nd annual outreach night at Skyzone for the youth group. During this evening, we are encouraging our kids to invite their friends and those they know that need to hear the truth of Jesus. The whole night is financially covered, so every student gets in free for 2 hours of jumping and pizza. Halfway through the night we have students share what God is doing in their lives and then they invite the students to respond to the truth of Jesus Christ as their Savior. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to move and for lives will be transformed!!
Jeremy Van Genderen
Director of Youth and Young Adults
Just a song… and a prayer
Dwell in Me
By Robert D. Wells; © 1995 Tennessee Music & Printing Company (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) CCLI License # 648382
In the center of my heart
there is a place
that’s reserved for Christ,
the Savior,
Lord of grace.
There is no other master
worthy of this place.
Rule my life,
reign in my heart,
dwell in me.
Dwell in me.
Dwell in me.
Let my heart be Your throne room.
Dwell in me.
In prayer and praise and service
I give myself to Thee,
God of Heaven,
Lord of my life.
Dwell in me.
Other interests often cloud
my mind and days,
cares of life come crashing
through in many ways.
But Lord, within my heart,
I hold You close always.
Now and ever,
You are master.
Dwell in me.
As we continue in this season of dwelling in the Word, may Jesus come and dwell in each one of us as Savior, Lord and Master. There truly is none other worthy of our hearts.
Director of Worship and Media
Noah’s Ark – April Update
Telling a preschooler the real Easter story is a delicate matter. No bunnies, no colorful eggs. We use felt pieces to help show the story, and tell the whole story, scary parts and all. We begin by saying, this is the most important story they have ever heard and it’s a real story. We discuss, all the time, if a story we read is real or make believe. Most of them can tell you the real story about a little baby born in Bethlehem, but now that boy is a grown man, already a hard concept to imagine for a young mind. Then, we talk about how some people hated Jesus.
What?! They thought he was a good guy. Yes, he is a very good guy, but mean people wanted to hurt him. They ask, “Why?” Well, Jesus told everyone that he was the Son of God and he performed miracles, but some people were threatened by his power and wanted to kill him. “What? Like really kill him?” they ask. Yes, so they beat him badly and then nailed his hands and feet to a cross. He hung there until he died. Their eyes are as big as saucers by this time and the room is very quiet. Their teachers are telling them this scary story and it’s not how our stories usually go.
Then, Jesus’ friends wrapped his body and put him in a tomb with a huge rock in front so no one would bother him. His friends were very sad; they went to the tomb three days later, but the stone had been rolled away! This is the good part! An angel appeared and told them that Jesus was risen and he was not in the tomb. What?! Now their heads are spinning trying to think how that happened. We tell them that God raised Jesus from the dead; he was seen by many people; and then he went to heaven and now sits with God. We finish the story telling them that Jesus was sent by God to die for all our sins, every one of us. Wait, what?! We are part of this story?!” Yes, we are all sinners and Jesus died for us. Young minds blown! John 3:16-“For this is the way God loved the world: He gave His one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.”
~ Leslie
Director of Noah’s Ark Preschool