All posts by Cedar Hills Community Church

Join the Worship Tech Team

Tech Team Training – Oct. 1, 4-8pm. 
Dinner provided.

Please let us know if you are attending using the form below.

With the installation of the new sound and video system comes a bigger demand for Worship Tech Team volunteers.  Do you have an ear for music? Do you like all things computer? Would you describe yourself as the family tech-guru? Do you have a heart for volunteering? Or maybe you have a background in video/lighting? Maybe you were a part of the tech crew in high school drama team?

If any of these things describe, the Worship Tech Team might be something you would enjoy.

Once the new sound system is installed, we’ll be scheduling official training sessions for all current tech team members and those who express an interest in tech team. The beautiful thing being – we’ll all be learning a new system together.

If interested or if you just want more information, contact Scott using the form below.

    Prayer Meeting Tonight 6:30pm


    Join us for prayer at the church, 6:30pm.  Stop in for as much or as little as you are able.  We will meet in the Gathering Space.


    With all of the recent storm damage and urgent needs caused by it, Matthew 25 is refocusing the August 31 – September 4 Transform Week to derecho repair projects, targeting low-income homeowners with damage that won’t be covered by insurance as well as clearing of trees and removing debris from homes.  PARTNER WITH MATTHEW 25 this week.


    Our Fall season of ministry will begin Sunday, September 13. Classes for ages 3 to adult will be open, as well as the nursery.  Help us plan by registering the whole family for this new season of ministry. READ MORE



    Babylonian Captivity

    AUGUST 2020

    Babylonian Captivity

    If you’ve read the prophet Jeremiah, you’ve grieved along with him in warning God’s people about the coming captivity. God warned them again and again and again. And they choose to ignore Him again… and again… again.  It’s heartbreaking.  As I read along, I am angered and bewildered why the people won’t listen! What else can God do to get their attention?

    Nothing. There is nothing else He can do. They don’t want to listen. Their hearts are hardened. Their ears are closed.  The God that has been so faithful to them as a chosen people for the last 500 years is no longer a priority. They are worshipping idols made of wood and stone (which God points out is sheer ridiculousness). They are sacrificing their children to these man-made idols (a hideous and gross practice). They are content with sin.

    And then, the book of Lamentations—a short little 5-chapter book highlighting Israel’s lament after Judah is destroyed and her inhabitants are carried off to Babylon for a 70-year captivity.  It is in Lamentations where they finally they cry out and begin to recognize the error of their ways.  But this book isn’t so much a book of sorrow, as it is a recognizing that God’s plan for His judgement and their sorrow has been and always will be to return their hearts to Him.

    In reading this, I can’t help but ask:

    ”God, what are you trying to teach us?”

    He’s got my attention. We are feeling pain. We have seen destruction. And in a way, COVID-19 is holding us in captivity.  So I keep asking God what to do. What is our response? How are we to act? What are the next steps for the church?

    Is He trying to get our attention? Have our hearts hardened? Are we worshipping other gods and man-made idols?   Are we content with sin?

    Watch this short and well-made summary of the book of Lamentations:

    Leah Carolan
    Director of Worship & Media





    Did you enjoy this article? Let us know.

      Volunteering, Prayer and a Midweek Update


      Join us for prayer at the church, 6:30pm.  Stop in for as much or as little as you are able.  Due to the heat, we will meet in the Gathering Space.


      Saturday, August 29, meet at church at 8am and we will split up into teams and go to two different locations to clean up branches and debris from yards of two locations in need of help. Bring gloves if you have some.


      With all of the recent storm damage and urgent needs caused by it, Matthew 25 is refocusing the August 31-September 4 Transform Week to derecho repair projects, targeting low-income homeowners with damage that won’t be covered by insurance as well as clearing of trees and removing debris from homes.  PARTNER WITH MATTHEW 25 next week.


      Our Fall season of ministry will begin Sunday, September 13. Classes for ages 3 to adult will be open, as well as the nursery.  Help us plan by registering the whole family for this new season of ministry. READ MORE




      The August Cedar Chips are online.  The Cedar Chips is the monthly newsletter of Cedar Hills Community Church and highlights reflections from each of our ministry staff members. READ NOW

      Clean-Up Stories

      Tate Joens working with a Cedar Hills work group

      The work continues on the storm clean-up.  A number of groups have been coming and going from the church since last Monday’s storm.

      Steve Poole has coordinated multiple groups this last week, addressing over twenty trees on the Oberembt property, cutting up and hauling away brush, clearing walkways.  And the work didn’t stop at just our church members. Many times the groups also addressed the neighbors to the properties they were visiting.

      Nathan Schnell assisting a neighbor of one of our church members.

      In one instance, the neighbor was a single lady who living alone.  Her driveway had been cleared just enough to get her car out, but Steve’s group addressed the other 3-4 trees that had fallen across the sidewalk and street. “She was very grateful because she didn’t know where she could turn for help.”

      Water from Trinity Reformed

      Former staff member Jeremy Van Genderen brought a crew Monday morning from Trinity Reformed Church in Allison, Iowa to assist in the clean-up.  Their church sent cases of water, handmade sandwiches, chips and cookies for us to distribute as needed.  We were able to bless the apartment buildings on the SW side of Cedar Rapids that took a major hit from the storm with these offerings of food and water.

      Trinity Reformed work group

      We have a need to walk the grounds and continue to pick up debris around the church.  We’re planning a quick pizza lunch around 12:05 after the second service this Sunday, August 23. We will then walk the property to finish the cleanup of debris.  Come and help — bring gloves, sunscreen, work shoes/boots.