All posts by Cedar Hills Community Church

The Global Leadership Summit is in 10 Days!

REGISTER FOR GLS 2020 (see discount code below)

For the past two years, Cedar Hills Community Church has hosted The Global Leadership Summit to make it as easy as possible for YOU to participate. We believe that the more people from Cedar Hills who participate, the stronger we will be at making an impact as a church. This year matters more than ever. Our community needs each of us to be at our very best.

Even if we are not physically together, The Global Leadership Summit offers us a shared experience that will unite us in this unique time. Investing ourselves in an extended experience is an investment in our connection together. The learning, inspiration and action steps will provide opportunity for us to connect in meaningful and fresh ways.

The way we show up right now with our influence can make the difference between hope and fear; contentment and disappointment; judgment and grace. Will you join Cedar Hills Community Church and register for GLS today using the Priority Code LEAD2020 so we can reflect the heart of God to the community around us?

Cedar Hills Community Church Leadership Team

Staff Updates

Through the weeks of pandemic we have continued to do ministry and plan for the future. Now more than ever we need to engage with our world to share the gospel. We are called to love, belong, and serve!

During this time, there have been a few staff transitions and we want to be sure to communicate with you all of these.

Pastor Alan Crandall officially retired effective June 1 and his replacement Gary Sager hit the ground running. Gary is serving in a half-time capacity as our Ambassador of Care. He is available to provide care for those in need within our congregation and to connect those who are new. Gary has been part of our congregation for a couple of years and he brings a background in education, psychology and counseling to this role.  Contact Gary Sager

The staff and key leaders did a thorough review of our needs and opportunities related to Family and Children’s Ministry following Kyle’s departure. We believe that the spiritual formation of children and supporting families in their call to nurture faith is vital for our future. With uncertainties about in-person meetings, it did not seem wise to invest in a search for a person to fill this role full-time. Instead, we have created four part-time roles that we believe can have immediate impact.

For now, the Children’s Ministry roles will be Sunday Children’s Class Coordinator, Nursery Coordinator, Children’s Worship Coordinator, and Family Activity Coordinator. We hope to fill these roles and resume in-person children’s ministry by September 13, 2020. We are pleased to announce that Cathy Poole has accepted the Sunday Children’s Class Coordinator role and Hailey Griffin has accepted the Nursery Coordinator role. If you have interest in exploring one of these part-time positions or desire to assist in Children’s Ministry in any capacity please view the job descriptions here.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we move forward in faith to safety carry out the ministry to which God is calling us!

Kent Landhuis
Cedar Hills Community Church

App Contest Winners

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who downloaded the updated Cedar Hills app and submitted the ‘secret app contest’ form. Your feedback was very helpful in letting us know how the app gets used the most and which features you find the most useful.  Some of you offered great suggestions that we may be implementing here in the next few weeks.

The Winners

And now… for the winners, chosen at random from all the responses!  They will each receive a $5 gift card from a few local retailers.
1. Larry P.
2. Randy W.
3. Jim T.
4. Jenni H.
5. Gary M.
6. Allison J.
7. Ben D.
8. Marcia B.
9. Candi D.
10. Sheri S.

The Stats

And if you enjoy stats, here’s what we learned about how the app gets most used:

Update Your App

Have you updated to the new Cedar Hills app? If not, download it today.

Consuming Fire – Worship Moment

Enjoy a moment of worship. “Consuming Fire, fan into flame a passion for Your name…”

Last weekend of painting! Volunteers needed

Families painting together..

Our “Grow the Good” campaign included a fresh coat of paint for the church.  We are quickly nearing the finish of the entire painting phase. Thank you to everyone who was pitched into help!

The final painting weekend is fast approaching & we need YOU!! (& any of your painting friends!)

We will have a VERY fast turn around the weekend of July 24-26 for two preschool rooms at the west end of the church & the attached bathrooms!  The summer session of preschool is ending and we plan to get all their rooms repaired and painted over that weekend.

Let’s gather a painting army for one last painting party! Please email me below or text me at 641-420-1661 to volunteer!

Mel Dahm

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Snack Donations Needed

The youth group is participating in Lead the Cause, a virtual evangelism and discipleship training experience the week of July 27th-31st.  Would you be willing to make snacks for the teens to enjoy as they get fed spiritually?  Cookies, brownies, puppy chow…we love it all!

If you are able to help, simply fill out this form and let us know.

Lead the Cause is a summer teen evangelism training even that helps youth leaders create passionate disciples who are reaching their word with the gospel.

Youth groups spend an intensive week praying, learning and conspiring together to reach their community for Christ. They experience:

  • Deep Prayer – Interceding for their lost friends. Students spend the first day and a half aligning their heart with God’s and His desire for all to come to faith in Him.
  • Faith Sharing – Outreach opportunities to share the gospel. Two entire afternoons are dedicated to hands on outreach, speaking with strangers, starting gospel conversations. Students are also challenged to bring up the gospel with friends and family back home.
  • Vision Planning – Conspiring together to reach their community for Christ. Groups pray and plan ways they can reach their own communities with the gospel, coming away with a strategic plan and specific goals.

More about Lead the Cause