All posts by Cedar Hills Community Church

Youth Ministry – June 2020 Update

JUNE 2020


Feeling frustrated lately? The list of frustration I have felt and observed in the past week is great. Frustrated about balancing work with being home with kids. Struggling with online classes, more work, and changing expectations. Frustrated by the loss of things important to us, even if we know they are trivial, like sports season, clubs, and activities. Upset about all the unknown in our lives. Frustrated that we are opening too soon or not soon enough. Confused about how people look at the same data, but come to contradictory conclusions.

Disappointed that something like public health during a pandemic could get so politically divided. So what do we do with all these emotions?  Emotions are human.  We cannot help but experience them. However, how would Jesus want us act in times like this?  How should we, as Christians, respond to these emotions in a Godly way?

  1. We are not controlled by our emotions.
    1. Walk by the Spirit, not the flesh
    2. “Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:24-25
  2. We have a different perspective.
    1. Tough times grow our faith and spiritual maturity
    2. Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.” James 1:2-4 (Message)
  3. We trust God’s timing and plan.
    1. Genesis 45:4-8 – Joseph’s suffering was a part of God’s redemptive plan
    2. It is a painful pruning process when God cuts away our hopes and dreams that do not align with His. Our frustration sometimes comes when we realize we have less control than we imagine. We are frustrated when we must set aside our plans, and submit to His. Trust God, though, His plans bring with them the promise of abundant life!
    3. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”~ John 10:10

Trust God, even when you are feeling frustrated. His plans bring with them the promise of abundant life!

Steve Poole
Director of Youth & Young Adults




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    The Easter Stage No One Saw

    JUNE 2020

    The Easter Stage No One Saw

    Last week, I had the task of tearing down the decorations from our Easter stage.  Easter fell right after the beginning of closures due to the pandemic.  Because I had already purchased the decorations for our stage, I decorated the stage anyway thinking it might make a nice back drop for the live feed.

    But last week, I tore it down. It was strangely emotional. At first I was sad that no one really saw it and then it quickly became a symbol of all the changes thrown at our church over the last couple of months. And then I was angry. I’ll be honest—there were times when I was ripping down green vines and not doing so ‘gently’ and I didn’t care.  Up and down the ladder I climbed, throwing vines around, tossing fabric in piles, pulling out nails with a vengeance and chucking props across the stage with all the might I could muster. I just wanted it down and off the stage.  For good.  It was the stage no one saw.

    This stage has made me doubt my leadership.  Who was I apart from leading on this stage? How do I lead without my people? Where are they? And why do I feel so very alone? The role I’ve stepped into for the last 12 years is now extremely different and I’m not even sure how to function.

    So I’ll be honest—I’m over here slightly floundering. I’m pretty much miserable and down.  I just want things back the way they were.  Our home life is different, my kids’ lives are different, and my crazy introversion and lack of people skills has become more evident than ever.

    I don’t know how to lead through this change.

    Change is never easy, but the rate at which things are changing now seems to come in floods and giant waves week-to-week.

    So this song’s got a hold on me lately.  I’ve heard it for years, but suddenly the words are speaking loud and clear to my little tormented heart:

    So I wonder—how are you? Let me know – judgement free.

    Leah Carolan
    Director of Worship & Media





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      Shut-Ins (June 2020)

      JUNE 2020

      Cedar Hills Shut-Ins

      The following shut-ins are unable to attend church regularly.  They appreciate visits, cards, and prayers from concerned church friends.

      Pat Ament—home

      Judy Botine—home

      Dave Bryant—Prairie Gardens Memory Care

      Jake/Lois DeBoer—The Views/Marion

      Bob/Eloise Dennis—home

      Helen Freeman—home

      Maureen Kern—home

      Betty Long—Grand Living @ Indian Creek

      Clarence Northrup—Andrew Jackson Care Center, Bellevue, IA

      Vivian Northrup—home

      Jo Parizek—Grand Living @ Indian Creek

      Ivadell Peterson—Living Center West, #230

      Ray/Shirley Vander Wiel—Stoney Point Meadows

      Dorothy Wise—home


      Blood Drive – July 14

      JUNE 2020


      July 14th is our next Blood Drive at church.  Walk-in’s are not allowed at this time, but you can go online and sign up for a time (or do so in their app!).  You can also email the Noah’s Ark office and Noah’s Ark Director Kris will help you get signed up.

      When we meet a quote of eligible donors, the Mississippi Valley Blood Center gives us a grant to use towards extra school supplies at the preschool.  Help us out and sign-up to donate today!  View/Download flier.



      Sunday, May 24 – Links & Info

      Sunday, May 24, 2020
      Watch Live at 11am (music begins at 10:50am)

      Video Highlights:

      Cedar Hills Kids:


      • Cedar Hills is reuniting for services Sunday, June 7 at 8:30am and 11am, and continuing the online streaming at 11am. We welcome you to attend, if you feel comfortable doing so. There will be a few changes however to our normal services and we want to let you know what to expect… Read more.
      • Congrats Graduates! Enjoy this short video highlighting all of our 2020 graduates – high school and beyond! Watch now.
      • Become a Member of Cedar Hills – New eight week class begins June 7. Have you been at Cedar Hills for a while, but are unsure how to connect further? Our new partnership class is your next step. At Cedar Hills, we are the kind of people who share hospitality…  Read more
      • The Cedar Hills App – Download the Cedar Hills app. Use it for mobile giving, submitting prayer requests, the Bible, weather updates, and insider information.  Download now

      Reuniting as a Family: What to Expect

      Reuniting as a Family: What to Expect

      Cedar Hills is reuniting for Sunday morning services beginning June 7th at 8:30am and 11am, and continuing the online streaming at 11am.

      We welcome you to attend, if you feel comfortable doing so. There will be a few changes however to our normal services and we want to let you know what to expect.


      • We will be taking extra precautions when cleaning the building.
      • Please stay home if you are feeling unwell.
      • Watching online is recommended if you consider yourself to be in the vulnerable population as it relates to Covid-19.
      • If you are uncomfortable meeting in the large service, but ready to take the next step, we encourage you to consider meeting in small groups with a few other friends.

      Worshiping Together:

      • We are not offering childcare or Sunday classes for children.
      • The Coffee Shop will not be open. BYOC (bring your own coffee).
      • We will have sanitizer and masks available for use. Please bring your own mask if you have one.
      • Mask wearing is optional and appreciated.
      • We ask all family members to sit together and maintain physical distance from other groups.
      • We encourage you to refrain from touching other people or things unnecessarily.
      • We will not pass an offering plate during service. Instead, you may leave it in an offering basket in the back of the Worship Center or give online (in the church app or link on website) or send by mail. Thank you for your continued generosity!


      Because we are loved by God, it is our pleasure to Love, Belong, and Serve with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

      We look forward to seeing you in person or online June 7th.


      Cedar Hills Leadership and Staff

      Romans 15:7 – “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

      Update from Consistory – May 17

      May 17, 2020

      Cedar Hills Family,

      At our weekly Consistory meeting, one of our leaders shared Isaiah 60:22 “I am God. At the right time, I will make it happen.” We hope that this passage will stand as the testimony of our many lengthy discussions about reopening our building to host in-person activities again.

      Discerning our next step has been more difficult than we might have anticipated as we prayerfully weigh diverse opinions, data, and options. We think it is important for you to know our priorities.

      1. We trust in God and we strive to lead in dependence on him. God holds us all in his hands!
      2. We place a high value on connection and relationships that are hospitable, authentic, forgiving, and restorative. Gathering together matters.
      3. We seek wisdom about the safety of our community based on relevant data for Linn, Johnson, and Benton counties. We care about the well-being of our community.
      4. We will reopen when we have clear guidelines and have adequately prepared our building and volunteers to follow the guidelines. We are in new territory and we want to get it right.
      5. We believe in grace for people on all sides of this – sometimes contentious – issue. We will love those who are ready and those who are not.

      As with all other organizations who are navigating reopening, we will no doubt do so in phases. With each phase, the guidelines will evolve and we will communicate the new expectations. Of course, we are excited to get back to normal. Cedar Hills is a community built on relationships; and we can’t wait to reunite in-person! But, we will wait until we can get back to “normal” safely. Thanks for your patience and support along the way.

      Reopening is a big, important decision. We trust that at the right time God will make it happen! We appreciate your prayers as we continue to discern and plan.

      We miss you and hope to see you soon!

      The Consistory