Daily Readings Mar. 26-Apr. 1

Post your insights using #dwellingwithJesus and @cedarhillscr. Have you seen the audio tab on these links?

Sunday, Mar. 25 – John 17
Monday, Mar. 26 – John 18
Tuesday, Mar. 27 – John 19
Wednesday, Mar. 28 – John 20
Thursday, Mar. 29 – John 21
Good Friday, Mar. 30 – Mark 14
Saturday, Mar. 31 – Mark 15

Join us for Easter Sunday! Services at 8:30 (traditional), 9:45 (traditional) and 11am (contemporary).

Daily Readings Mar. 18-24

Post your insights using #dwellingwithJesus and @cedarhillscr. Have you seen the audio tab on these links? It’s a nice touch with a little music and a little drama.

Sunday, Mar. 18 – John 10
Monday, Mar. 19 – John 11
Tuesday, Mar. 20 – John 12
Wednesday, Mar. 21 – John 13
Thursday, Mar. 22 – John 14
Friday, Mar. 23 – John 15
Saturday, Mar. 24 – John 16

Next Week:

Sunday, Mar. 25 – John 17
Monday, Mar. 26 – John 18
Tuesday, Mar. 27 – John 19
Wednesday, Mar. 28 – John 20
Thursday, Mar. 29 – John 21
Friday, Mar. 30
Saturday, Mar. 31

Daily Readings Mar. 11-17

Post your insights using #dwellingwithJesus and @cedarhillscr. Have you seen the audio tab on these links? It’s a nice touch with a little music and a little drama.

Sunday, Mar. 11 – John 3
Monday, Mar. 12 – John 4
Tuesday, Mar. 13 – John 5
Wednesday, Mar. 14 – John 6
Thursday, Mar. 15 – John 7
Friday, Mar. 16 – John 8
Saturday, Mar. 17 – John 9

Next Week
Sunday, Mar. 18 – John 10
Monday, Mar. 19 – John 11
Tuesday, Mar. 20 – John 12
Wednesday, Mar. 21 – John 13
Thursday, Mar. 22 – John 14
Friday, Mar. 23 – John 15
Saturday, Mar. 24 – John 16

March Retiree Breakfast

The March retiree breakfast is Saturday, March 3, 8:30 AM at Scott’s Family Restaurant. RSVP to Mal Gould at 265-7706.  The retiree breakfast meets on the first Saturday of every month at various restaurants around town.  The gathering regularly draws 20-22 people and is a great place for fellowship and conversation for our retirees!

March Bunco Night

Image result for bunco free pictureThe CHICCS women’s ministry is hosting a Bunco night Thursday, March 22, 6:30 PM in rooms 134/135. Bring a cleaning product for a donation to our Open Hands Food Pantry.

Bunco nights are a great time of getting to know other women in the church. The game is easy to learn if you’re new! Gatherings are usually 16-20 people.  We provide light refreshments as well.

Journey – March 2018

In light of the most recent school shooting in Florida I am reminded about why Missional Communities are so important. Everyday we come in contact with people everywhere we go. As Christians we are called by the Great Commission to shine the light of the Gospel of Christ as we go throughout our life. As we go to work and school, how are we shining the light of
Jesus to those around us? How are we connecting with the outcast, the bullied, those all alone and those who seem angry? We so often shy away from people who are different than us or who push us away, but they are the ones that usually need us
the most. Jesus never said being a disciple who makes disciples will be easy. In fact, he said that it would cost us everything. It will cost us comfort, cost us time, cost us money, but it will gain us so much more.

My prayer for our youth and for our congregation is that we would start being disciples who make disciples even in the darkest places. Jesus spent time in dark places with people no one else would touch, BE LIKE JESUS!

Jeremy Van Genderen
Director of Youth & Young Adults

The Cross and the Valentine

This year Valentine’s Day collided with Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. It’s tempting to pit these holidays against each other as if they are opposites. What does a day for celebrating love have to do with a time that emphasizes the suffering of Christ?

A whole lot actually. Because our faith shows us that self-denial and suffering are the basis of all true love.

On the cross, Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” That prayer includes the soldiers and priests who condemned and crucified Jesus. It includes all of us for whom Jesus died. Because Jesus made the greatest sacrifice, he is able to give us sinners the greatest gift.

Jesus said that the greatest love is to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. He is telling us that nobody can really love another without it costing something. True love is not just sentimental, it’s sacrificial.

God’s Word says, “Love one another as Christ loved you.” This is how the cross and the valentine fit perfectly together. Loving someone involves a painful death to self, a giving up of my pride, rights, desires, and grudges.

Any good friendship, marriage, family, or church is really a union of forgiven forgivers. When we are sinners saved by Christ’s costly gift we will learn how to love each other in the same sacrificial way.

Alan Crandall
Pastor of Care




When we first came up with the title for this Lenten series I was especially moved by the word, “Marked”. Enough that I’ve been lingering on it for over a month and reflecting on what this could mean. We are each marked with life. The good, the bad,
the ugly. But I think those places where suffering has marked us are the places where God can do the coolest work. Suffering sucks. Don’t get me wrong! But it can produce a harvest of good when God gets involved and we let Him do what He does best.

Have you ever had the moment where you meet someone and they share a part of their story that matches a part of your story—and suddenly the two of you are friends for life because of the suffering you have shared together? That doesn’t happen to me
when I share good stuff. I am bonded with others through the bad stuff. It’s like a deep brotherhood/sisterhood suddenly takes place in a communal suffering narrative.

I think we have the same communal suffering with Jesus. He took on the largest, biggest, baddest, worst imaginable suffering ever. He understands our story. He understands our struggles. We share together in suffering and a brotherhood happens. He
gets it. We are bonded in friendship for life. It is good to be marked.

It is GOOD to be marked.

We enter into the suffering of Christ this season because it is good to be marked. Come, let us draw closer to the heart of God.

Leah Carolan
Director of Worship and Media

Love. Belong. Serve.