Category Archives: Marriage and Family

Discipleship through Missional Communities

We started a missional community (MC) four years ago with friends. We got the idea from our pastor that we should consider meeting regularly with others for the purpose of being discipled.

We were friends with the other couple, but not best friends. We had been getting together infrequently, prior to starting the MC. The following is what our evening looks like, when we meet every other Thursday.

We take turns coming to each other’s homes. The host cooks a meal for all of us and we join up around 5:30 pm to eat dinner together. After dinner, the gals sit and talk or go for a walk. The guys do the same around the pool table or in the backyard. The kids roam and play. After a while, we put the kids to bed. Sometimes we put a kid
in the basement bed or the laundry room (in a pack-n-play). We make the space as needed.

Then the four of us head to the living room to have some dessert and coffee. We take time to go over the chapter we are reading or the video we are watching. We share prayer requests, which is an essential way to share in each other’s lives. We’ve been through many ups and downs together including starting new businesses, miscarriages, work promotions, and deaths of family and friends.

This MC has been a core reason that I have moved forward in spiritual maturity. Becoming more Christ-like (than we once were) is the goal for our MC and the MC has been one of the best ways to see this come to fruition.

Lindsey Ungs
Connection and Communication Architect

Fall Cross Training Courses

Fall Kick-Off 2019

Join us Sunday, August 18 at 9:45am for the Fall Kick-Off Open House (preschool—adults) to meet your teacher, visit your classroom, and have brunch.

Sunday, August 25 all classes begin at 9:45am.

Children, Ages 0 to 5th Grade

Nursery: Staffed by loving volunteers at the 11am service. (Open for use by parents at the 8:30am service)
3&4 year olds: Robin Joens, Deb DeHaan, and Mary Landhuis (Register)

Kindergarten: Paula Stevens and Diane Potter (Register)

1st Grade: Jana Houghkirk and Tracy Spicer-Ehrman (Register)

2nd & 3rd Grade: Melissa Oberembt and Jill Henry (Register)

4th & 5th Grade: Matt Johnson and Matt Houghkirk (Register)

Youth (6th-12th Grade)

Middle School (6th-8th): Coming soon! (Register)

FaithQuest (for youth desiring Cedar Hills membership): Lois Deerberg (Register)

Senior High (9th-12th): Coming soon! (Register)

Adult Classes (18+)

Class #1 – Exchange

Teachers: Alan & Jan Crandall; Sue & Gary Sager; and Deb Steinbaker.

Exchange your brokenness for Christ‘s wholeness. Everyone has access to the abundant life Christ offers. We will look at the process of how to restore our lives to the image of God through Christ‘s love. (REGISTER)

Class #2 – These are the days of Elijah

Teacher: Joanne Lodge

The time of Israel during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel was a very immoral, treacherous time. How do we stand in such times? We will open the scriptures to study ordinary  people who not only survived the times, but became extraordinary witnesses for God. We will receive hope, encouragement and direction for our own journey. (REGISTER)

Class #3 – Indelible Faith

Teachers: Bruce Boldt and Kyle French.

This is the ultimate definition for how we hope and pray that the Bible will work within us. Wouldn’t you adore a faith that could never be forgotten or removed, even against all evil? (REGISTER)

Class #4 – Parenting Together

Teachers: Matthew & Shannon Constant; Stephen & Amanda Colbert; Karl & Lindsey Ungs.

Parenting is a big job and parents can use a lot of help along the way. The goal for our group is to build relationships by learning from and with each other in how we can raise our kids and grow as parents in a Godly way. (REGISTER)

Not Too Young

Parenting is really hard. You don’t really know that until you’re in it, and suddenly discover how much a child changes everything. You literally go from living for your own needs to living for another’s needs (and maybe another and another!)

I want to be a better parent and thought maybe gaining some new skills or perspectives would help.

Mid-June, my husband and I had the privilege of attending a Parent and Family Ministry Summit in Kansas City. The summit ran alongside a camp we also plugged our six-year-old into. At certain points throughout the week, the camp and summit converged for joint services. This is where it got super fascinating.

At the camp, the kids were specifically trained in how to walk out their faith in power and the full ministry of the Holy Spirit. One night, after some time in worship and praise, they called the parents to the front while the kids came around us in small groups and prayed a simple but effective healing prayer over us. We became their practice field to try out the new tools they had been learning all week. As parents, we are always pouring out lives into these little ones but here they were, ministering to us.

“Holy Spirit,
make Jesus known in this body.
Heal them in Jesus’ name.”

The next day, the camp held a special healing service for the entire community. Many flocked to the service, as they desired healing from many infirmities, some obvious, some not so obvious! Those ministering? The kids. And you know what? GOD SHOWED UP. I believe now more than ever that our children can and will walk in faith if we equip them with the tools and the simple confidence that they can walk in the power of the Holy

Director of Worship & Media

Kids and Easter… Everything you need to know

We’re so excited for Easter! It’s a BIG Sunday around here for sure.  We know that sometimes when you’re visiting a new place, there are the extra details of “What do I do with my kids?” and “What should I expect?” and the anxiety of the unknown. Hopefully this will answer some of your questions!


There is plenty of space in the back of the Worship Center for car seats, strollers, and rocking babes in arms.  We have tables and chairs around the back of the Worship Center that are nice spread out on – these are a favorite of many families so arrive early if you want to claim a table! 🙂  An audio feed of the service will be running in the Gathering Space (our lobby area) — we do ask you to be sensitive to others in the service and exit the Worship Center if your child is crying or making a lot of noise.  Changing tables are available in the handicap stall of both the women’s and men’s restrooms as well as the nursery.  Extra diapers and supplies are available in the nursery if you need them.  There is a child-size toilet in the nursery for the young ones who are potty training.

AGES 0-2

A nursery is available for children ages 0-2yrs at all three Easter services.  The nursery is not staffed, but parents are always welcome to step out of the services and sit with their child in the nursery.


At 8:30am and 9:45am, there is a special time in the worship services called “the Children’s Message” where the children are invited to the front of the stage for a short age-appropriate message, prayer, and a special gift bag. They are then dismissed back to their parents for the remainder of the service.

At the 11am service, children ages 3 years to 3rd grade are invited to attend a special time of worship called “Explorers”. Children begin in the large service with their families. After the opening worship songs, the children are dismissed to room 135 to attend a special time of worship created for them.  Volunteers walk the children back to the room, but parents are always welcome to tag along to see the room or help their child feel more comfortable.  The children are then picked up in that same room following the conclusion of the service.

Sunday School

There is no Sunday School on Easter Sunday.  On regular Sundays, classes for all ages run from 9:45-10:45, as well as the nursery for ages 0-2yrs.

Family & Children Ministry

To learn more about our ministries for families and children, visit here.

We Love Kids

Our church is laid back enough that we’re not bothered by children! They are just as much a part of the Body of Christ as adults. If they want to dance during the worship, let them dance! If you need to go in and out of the service to attend to them, that’s okay! We’re used to it! No big deal.   We just want you go be comfortable and able to parent your kids however you feel you need to.


This summer we have an exciting VBS (Vacation Bible School) program planned for July 14-18. VBS is for kids ages 3 to 5th grade. Learn more here.


Ask away!

LEAD Conference

Want to learn how to develop a culture of service and intentionality within your family? Well we can help, join us for the LEAD Conference on March 15, from 6-8pm (Childcare will be provided). We will hear from speakers who live and work with some of the most impoverished and voiceless.

If we are honest with ourselves, it can be difficult to develop a culture in our families of being intentional about the gospel and being a willing servant of the Lord. Especially when the “needs” of the world seem to be so daunting, where do we begin? Is a transformation even possible? Well we might have an idea of where to begin and what it could look like. We hope you’ll be able to join us at Cedar Hills Community Church to participate in the discussion!

View the Facebook event.

Family Adventure February Events

Wed, Feb. 13 – Family Adventure Night

We hope your family can join us for a night of food, fun and discipleship, together as a family!

Dinner is offered from 5:30-6pm, program beginning at 6pm.

Nursery will be provided for the littlest ones.

View the event on Facebook.

Thur., Feb. 14 – Parent’s Night Out

5:30pm-8pm your kiddos can enjoy a fun night of STEAM activities, while you take some time to reconnect and recoup, your choice.

Oh, did I also mention…it’s free!

View the event on Facebook and reserve your spot!

More about STEAM On.


Adult Classes

Adult Discipleship: Cross Training Classes

Sundays at 9:45 AM – Cross Training Classes for preschoolers through adults with nursery staffed. Current classes for adults include:

  • Growing in Christ Together—Dig deeper into the gospel, focusing on the DNA of discipleship. Teachers: Pastor Kent, Gary Mills and Don Dykstra.
  • Grace Through the Eyes of Jesus—Study the example of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, opportunity to share your experiences of God’s grace in our own lives. Teachers: Pastor Alan Crandall, Joanne Lodge, and Gary & Sue
  • Parenting Together—The goal for our group is to build relationships by learning from and with each other in how we can raise our kids and grow as parents in a Godly way. Teachers: Karl and Lindsey Ungs and guest
  • Financial Peace University (pre-registration required; special earlier start time at 9:30 AM). Class facilitators: Dana & Kyle Chapman and Larry & Shelly Pottebaum.

Financial Peace University coming in 2019

Image result for financial peace universityDave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is coming! Our church wants financial peace for you.  Join us for a free class preview on Sunday, January 6 at 9:45am or 11am.

Ready to jump in? Register today.  Classes will be held on Sundays at 9:45 beginning Jan. 13.  Kits can be purchased at time of registering or from your FPU teachers.

Children & Family Ministry – 2018 in Review

Annual Report – Special Edition

The past nine months of ministry that I have experienced here at Cedar Hills as the Children and Family Director has been nothing short of a remarkable experience. An experience that I am incredibly grateful for! My family and I, have been received with incredible warmth and immense support. In every portion of the ministry, there are volunteers, who are gifted and passionate about serving the littlest kiddos of the church!  It was such a blessing to be able to step into such a strong ministry and to be able to take the time to learn the culture around the church. On top of that, the kids of this church are so eager and excited to be able to learn and fellowship together.

The months of Fall have seen a few changes in the ministry, most specifically around the formal programming of this ministry. We’ve began a twice-a-month programming, affectionately call Family Adventure. The meetings are broken into two specific parts. The first part is an activity for the entire family (Either the 2nd Wed or Sat of each month), designed to allow families to share a fun and memorable experience together. The second part is an up-tempo experience (The last Sunday of the month) that focuses on unpacking the monthly theme and how it ties into enhancing family discipleship. Each theme this year has been centralized around the life and ministry of Jesus, studying Scriptures of how he lived out that particular characteristic. So far, we have covered, how Jesus was…missional and brave. For the month of November, we will be covering thankful and in December the theme will be loving. Our ultimate hope for this particular programming, is to afford families more time and encourage intentionality towards modeling a gospel-centered life.

We can’t wait to see what God has in store for the ministry!

Kyle French
Director of Family and Children’s Ministry