Category Archives: Fundraiser

Christmas Tie Challenge!

Wear a Christmas Tie on Sunday, Dec. 22!

An anonymous donor is challenging everyone to wear a Christmas Tie on Sunday, December 22nd.  Ten dollars will be donated to the Capital Campaign for every tie worn that day, man, woman or child! Wear a tie with or without your ugly sweater and support your church.  This could even become an annual event if there is enough interest this year.  Look for a special tally sheet in the Gathering Space to mark that you’ve worn a tie!

Sunday, Dec. 22 is “Joy” Sunday at Cedar Hills.  In addition to coming dressed in our favorite holiday attire and ugly sweaters, the children will be singing at the 11am service, choir will be singing at the 8:30am service, and members of the Cedar Rapids Orchestra will be provided music during the continental breakfast.

And also a reminder that another donor is matching one-time gifts to the campaign, up to $5000, through Dec. 31.  Learn more about our Grow the Good Capital Campaign.

Breakfast will be served throughout the morning and there are no Sunday Classes that Sunday.  The staff will be competing for the “Ugliest Sweater” award! Donations given to vote for your favorite staff sweater will go towards the Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign.

It just keeps getting better! 🙂

Mmmm… Chili

The weather has finally turned cold and Fall is in the air!

Now’s the time to break out your favorite Chili recipes, bake some homemade bread, and bring them both to the 3rd Annual Chili Cook-Off.

Sunday, Nov. 17 our best cooks will be competing for the coveted titles of “Chili Extraordinaire” and “Bread-Tastic Baker” for the 2019 year, competing for the Golden Ladle Trophy.

The rest of us will bring our cash and throw it in the baskets of our favorite batches of chili and bread.  Dollars, quarters, spare change, whatever you’d like. After voting (and enjoying samples of each chili and bread) you’ll be able to enjoy a full bowl (or 2 or 3) of your favorite recipes.

All the funds go to support the awesome ministry of our Journey Youth (middle and senior high students)

3rd Annual Chili Cook-off

Sun, Nov. 17, will be our 3rd annual Chili Cook-off, after 2nd service! The cook-off supports the Journey youth.  Bring cash to vote for your favorite chili and favorite bread.  Dollars, quarters, spare change, whatever you’d like. After voting (and enjoying samples of each chili and bread) you’ll be able to enjoy a full bowl (or 2 or 3) of your favorite recipes.

Do you have an awesome chili or bread you’d like enter into the contest?  Sign up below (on the web version there is a signup form…)  Contestants are asked to prepare a double batch of chili or 2-3 loaves of bread for the contest.  Food should be at the church by 11:30am. We will have an assigned table for your chili and bread submissions, as well as name cards for your recipe names.   Bring copies of the recipe to share! (You’ll get lots of requests!).  This also helps those with food sensitivities.  We can help make photo copies in the office if needed.

No Fields Found.

Corvette Club Car Show – June 8

The Cedar Rapids Corvette Club is hosting a car show Saturday, June 8 in the Cedar Hills parking lot.  This amazing show give its net proceeds all to local charities.  Cedar Hills will be running the concession stands – our proceeds go towards the ministry of Family Promise.

View the Car Show Flyer

Register for the Car Show

If you would like to help in the concessions, contact the office.  Otherwise, bring out the entire family on Saturday, June 8 for a great show! Lots to see and do.

175 Sub-Success!

Thank you to everyone who purchased a sub sandwich for the annual Super Bowl Sub fundraiser.  The Journey youth and leaders assembled 175 subs sandwiches.

“Last Sunday, 20 students and leaders from Youth Ministry made over 175 subs, which were sold out within minutes! Thank you for your constant support of the student ministry!” ~ Jeremy Van Genderen

Journey Student ministry is a place for ALL students 6th-12th grade to come walk together on their faith journey.  We meet on Sunday nights from 5:30pm-8pm.  Each night starts with a cafe time where you can purchase items like pizza, candy, chips, hotdogs, soda and Keurig coffee drinks.  Starting at 6:15pm, we rotate between large group teaching, small group discussion and games.  No matter where you are on your faith journey you are invited and welcomed to join us each and every week.

Dec. 9 Chili & Bread Cook-Off

The 2nd annual Journey Student Ministry Chili cook-off is this Sunday, December 9, and we want you to join in the fun!

This year we are also adding the homemade bread bake-off competition to our event.  If you want to enter a chili or bread into the competition please contact Jeremy by Friday, Dec. 7.  Entries should make either a double batch of chili or 2-3 loaves of bread.  If you are not able to make something, please join us after the 2nd service and vote for your favorite. This is a fundraiser for our youth program so you will vote by putting cash into the bucket of your favorite chili or bread. Bring cash!

Once you have had your taste of each chili and bread you may go back for a full bowl and full slice of bread to enjoy for lunch.  Have a great week and we will see you on Sunday