Category Archives: Family and Children Ministry

Picnic in the Park


PICNIC IN THE PARK – Sunday, May 16, starting at 6 PM, you are invited to a picnic at Cherry Hill Park. Cedar Hills will be providing hot dogs and hamburgers and leading some group games after the picnic. Click here to RSVP with the number of children and adults coming from your family and plan to bring a side or dessert to contribute to the picnic spread.

Noah’s Ark November 2020


noah’s Ark Update

November is a time to be thankful and a time for giving!

Noah’s Ark is busy this month collecting food for our Food Pantry.  Noah’s Ark families have always surprised us in the abundance of food they give to the food pantry!

We really love our rooms with the new carpet, paint and lighting. We want the church to know how thankful we are for providing us with a wonderful place to call “home”.

Our student numbers are down this year, but we are doing everything we can to keep the doors open. One way you can help Noah’s Ark is with our quarterly Blood Drive. When we get 20 blood donors, we receive a stipend that we can use to purchase cleaning products.  As you can guess, we go through cleaning products quickly these days. The Blood Drive is November 17.  Due to COVID-19, you must make a scheduled appointment.  You can go online at:, email the Noah’s Ark office or call us at 319-396-3125.

Kris Crowther
Director of Noah’s Ark Preschool





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    Lake View Camp Update

    Lake View Camp is one of the ministries we support as a church. We send many kids and families to camp each summer. Here is their latest update letter:

    Despite cancelling our regular summer camps due to COVID-19, over 200 people (kids, parents, grandparents, and friends) took advantage of our “Spend a Day at Camp'” opportunity this summer. All enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation, learned how they can see 20/20 with God, and made many camp memories! As we look to fall/winter, we are exploring possibilities to safely provide some fun camp activities for those interested.

    We are excited to announce that earth moving equipment will be arriving soon to begin site work for Phase 1. We are looking forward to taking this next step in our camping ministry! Striving to live within our means, the board has decided to start work only on the new Lodge (includes dining, kitchen, gathering area) and the necessary infrastructure and to hold off on our large, multi-story cabin units until more funds are received. Instead, we will be building 3 to 4 stand alone cabins with restroom/shower facilities.

    These buildings will be built by skilled, volunteer labor (let us know if you can help!). A separate fund has been established for this and if you would like to contribute, please designate “cabin fund” on your contribution. $40,000 has been contributed to this fund so far, primarily from former campers and counselors who remain passionate about the power of camp. If you would
    like to make a donation in honor of a camp counselor or Sunday school teacher who made a significant impact on your life (or your child’s life), we would love to hear about it when you send your donation! If you prefer giving to the new Lodge, those donations would be welcome and appreciated as well. Please indicate your desire by writing “capital campaign” on those gifts.

    If you would like more information, please feel free to contact Lake View Camp’s director, Diana Brummel, at 641-628-2160, or board members Bob and Dort Kampman (Kesley) at 319-830-8958 or Lance and Lindy Ibeling (Parkersburg) at 319-883-1264. Also, we would love to have you visit Lake View camp this fall to see this beautiful piece of property God has entrusted
    to our care. Give us a call or visit!

    Parent Pivoting Summit

    Parenting Pivot Challenge
    October 8-24, 2020

    A unique online event for all parents!  The Parenting Pivot Challenge is a FREE virtual summit October 8-24 that will consist of daily videos posted in the Parenting Pivot Challenge Facebook group.  The videos are dynamic national speakers addressing topics such as anxiety, depression, screen time, balancing work and life, sexuality, and social media. The videos will be posted for free for 24 hours, so check the schedule and see what will best bless your family.

    View the Full Schedule

    How to Join

    Ideas for Kids This Sunday

    The Worship Center is setup for social distancing as we gather again for services this Sunday, June 7.  Because are currently not offering any children’s ministries on Sunday mornings, parents may encounter some new hurdles to worship as a family.  If you have young children, Cathy Poole has some great ideas for you to consider!


    Final Chips

    We have been incredibly blessed to be able to serve those who have come to worship at Cedar Hills throughout the years, and so thankful that the Lord has given us this time together and we will not soon forget a minute of it.

    However bittersweet, the Lord has a different direction for us and a new calling to pursue to bring glory to His Kingdom. In obedience to our Lord, Alisse and I will be taking the plunge into the adventures of church planting.

    With immense grace, we have been given a wonderful partnership with an experienced church planting couple who are currently leading a plant in the Newbo area for the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America). I’ve already begun to check some of the initial boxes of the ordination process and hopefully in the next few months will be traveling to partake in the PCA’s national church planting assessment.

    Once placed into a formal PCA partnership with our church planting friends, our efforts will be two-fold, to learn and grow under their guidance and also to begin setting the foundation for our own church plant that we expect to be planting up in the Marion area.

    We know that we can’t do this alone, but in partnerships. And we’d love for you to be able to partner with us in a couple of different ways:

    1) Pray for us.
    2) Interested in participating in a plant in Newbo or Marion?  Let us know.
    3) Support us financially either by check or digital donation to our Paypal at  (once we are officially received by the PCA, then donations will be tax-deductible).

    Once again, thank you for allowing us to be a part of your spiritual journey!

    Kyle French
    Director of Family & Children Ministry

    Sunday, April 26 Live at 11am

    We’ll be live streaming on Facebook at 11am. Here is everything you need for today’s worship service:

    Links for 4-26-20

    Sunday, April 26, 2020

    Video Highlights:

    Cedar Hills Kids:


    • Staff Update: If you wish to know more about Kyle and Alisse French’s next adventure into church planting and support their mission, visit  May God bless them richly in this next step in their journey!
    • If you wish to send a special Thank You card or gift to Kyle and family, their address is: 357 Boyson Rd NE; Cedar Rapids, IA 52402.
    • Updated Food Pantry Hours – The Open Hands Food Pantry changing hours or operation temporarily. They now be open only Mondays 5-6pm and Wednesdays 10-12pmRead more
    • Caring Hands Project – During this difficult time, a Cedar Hills team has been working on a project to help address needs in the community. If you are not in need, we ask that you consider helping us to meet the needs of the community… Read more
    • Coffee Hour – Sundays 10am in Zoom
      Join us before the live service stream! Keep your coffee fresh (and your germs stale) at our digital coffee hour on Sundays, 10am in the Zoom app, just before the live service stream at 11amRead more
    • Wednesday Prayer Meetings
      In the Zoom app, Wednesdays at 6:30pm.  We are excited to see how we can continue to develop this tool moving forward as we lift up the needs of our community. Read more
    • Cedar Hills Family Facebook group
      If you are on Facebook and call Cedar Hills home, you’ll want to join this group. Be sure to answer the ‘screener’ questions so we don’t decline your request to join!
    • The Cedar Hills App
      Download the Cedar Hills app. Use it for mobile giving, submitting prayer requests, the Bible, weather updates, and insider information.  Download now
    • If you would like a copy of the Upper Room Devotional sent to you, please send an email request to Jennifer at [email protected].